Saturday, December 5, 2015

Make Love with your Eyes

Make Love with your Eyes

make love to me
with your eyes,
eyes that you
can call your own;

not eyes struck by
a wanderlust,
not eyes that hunger
to fathom the mystery
of my broken heart,
not eyes that yearn
to caress
those smarting wounds
still tender and raw,
not eyes that want
to fill the holes
that you see in me,
but not in you,

make love to me
with your eyes,
when you've seen
yourself stripped
by my eyes,
and your own,

when both darkness
and light,
pierce through
shifting pupils,
twitching eyelashes,
restless eyelids,
unspeakable longing
and the stillness
of an unflinching gaze,
when you've come to know
that all gazes
are born from you,
and die with you,
and you alone.

make love to me
with those eyes,
eyes that you love
to call your own.

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