Saturday, May 14, 2016

for she's also, my love

don't ask me to leave,
don't ask me to become,
don't ask me to let go
of things that I've
lost and found,
don't ask me to draw a line
that can never be erased,
don't ask me to close a door,
when I can leave it open and wait;
don't ask me to block roads
and burn bridges built with care,
don't ask me to put out the fire,
when I feel pregnant with moist air,
don't ask me to look to the heavens
lightening in the distance,
don't ask me to watch the storks leave
to find their new inheritance,
don't ask me to hurry up
and move on to other worlds,
leave me with the grief I own,
and if you can, sit with me
and make it your own;
for every time it feels this way,
that it's time to move on,
a tiny voice inside of me cries
asking me to wait
for her also to come;
and so I wait for that moment
when all the voices inside me
can join in and celebrate,
th arrival of every ending
and new beginning, however late,
and so I look to find my rhythm
in this intimate dance of life and death,
where there are always different partners,
and moves to understand, not regret;
where to move towards a new love
when I can feel her, and hear her call,
there is no way for me to leave behind
my old love, for she's also, my love.

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