Friday, January 15, 2016

Two Ones Make Three

my world seems too full,
to talk about,
and so I sing,
this song that swells
from the silence,
like that one wave
that rises and falls
into itself,
but never reaches the shore.

that wave too has a song
even as it dies
as quickly as it was born,
a song that only some ears
can hear perhaps,
when they drop into
the silent void
in the midst of their busyness,
a song that must be heard
by a world
if it wants to live.

I sing that song -
a chant that moves my lips
as I stand in a trance
at the inner sanctum
of this temple -
one that is built
over and over again,
in the space
where two souls merge
every time they meet,
broken, yet whole.

the bell chimed
as the veil parted and lifted
before my half open eyes,
and revealed
a presence
not of you
or me
or us,
but that of something
primordial and vast,
embracing our universes
in its folds,

and in that blessed moment,
all that I thought
was love
vanished into the void
of this mysterious presence
that brings us together
again and again,
for a reason
I cannot fathom,
nor want to,
I can touch it,
I can feel it
holding us,
growing us,
and making us die
into everything
we believe is
human or divine,
profane or sacred,
separate or one,
love or not love.

I was graced
with the presence
of that thing
born of two ones
meeting and merging,
a presence
that I know
can only be Love -
a love that the world
doesn't have eyes
as yet to see.

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