Sunday, January 27, 2013

In Faith and Love

Here is a poem with pictures to go with each line.....a poem-book - which was a gift from me to my husband for our seventeenth wedding anniversary....

This is a maiden attempt by me in doing something of this sort and my attempt to paint something like abstract - to express my deepest feelings through two mediums simultaneously (poetry and art).....after being "schooled" to paint "realistic"paintings -learning painting and drawing from an art master who came home to teach my sister and me when we were in school (which was eons ago!)...I finally managed to break free from those rigid boundaries that confined parts of me.....and strange are the ways of the Universe when I see how I managed to paint all these over a day and a half, after more than 25 years, and my husband managed to break free too in his own way and write poetry for the first time this time!....I for one attribute this to the wonderful journey of unschooling that has opened our minds and hearts to look beyond everything that we see, in faith and love....


Like a tiny, vibrant sliver of light

Sets shadows afire; infuses life…

Like a tireless wave stretches its arms

To caress the endless, sleeping shore…


Like a drop of rain falls to the earth 

That yearns in silence, beckoning below…


Like a river waits with quiet intent

To engulf the vast, unstoppable sea…


Like a young shoot, inspired to grow

Finds its way out, while taking root…


Like a wandering cloud upon the sky

Surrenders to the wind, in tow…


Our hearts and souls - entwined forever,

To look beyond, in faith and love.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

The Rose

A single rose -
Speaks of love
Red petals warm
Love unfolding
You wrench out
The thorn
Now but a memory
Of the pain
That once was.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

You in Me

When I see you
I feel with you
The pain
The anguish
The humiliation
The loss
Of everything
That is You and Me.

               I realised then -
 We all own our demons
             That we devour,
            Without pausing
        To savour, to know,
          And when I found
    That I had more Faces,
          I found You in Me.

Thursday, January 17, 2013


I feel you in my bones...
As you stir me -
Awake, after a moment's slumber,
To look, hear, feel and live,
In the moment, as I wander.

I feel you in my bosom...
As you soothe me -
The safe haven that cradles,
Untouched and invincible,
As dark clouds of doubt gather.

I feel you in my gut...
As you drive me -
The wind beneath my wings,
To uplift and carry me,
Into the wild blue yonder.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

A Close Encounter

About six months ago, there was a chance encounter - between a man who I love a lot and another young boy. He was on a work trip down south and was with his driver on a state highway in his much-loved and sturdy Bolero. Half of the road was used up by the farmers to spread out their produce to dry and get crushed by the passing vehicles. So there was only one half of the road that was usable - the side of the road they were on. Even while they had their headlights on to indicate that they were coming, a huge dumper truck came head-on. It was driven by a young boy. He rammed the brakes hard when he saw that he was too close to the Bolero, but could not control the truck. While the Bolero driver too swerved out of the way, it was not quite enough and the truck hit the Bolero's front tyre. There was a huge hole in the tyre. Everything else was intact and no one was hurt!

The driver of the Bolero got out angrily and cursed the young boy, even as he was apologising from afar. The man I love too got out and yelled at the boy for his rash and careless driving. He is a man with a short fuse. But everything changed the moment the young boy apologised, said that he had made a mistake as he could not control the truck and mentioned that he was driving a truck only to earn some extra money to study. That melted the heart of the man I love...he immediately toned down his voice, handed him his visiting card and asked the boy to call him whenever he needed help. He then listened patiently to the young boy's touching story and asked him to help them change the tyre, before each went his way. The boy willingly obliged, chatted with them and promised to keep in touch.

A month or so later, this boy called him up - not for any help - but just to say that he felt like talking to him and that he was very happy to have met someone like the man I love. They exchanged notes and hung up. He had kept his word.

A few months later, he called up again - this time from Malaysia. He mentioned that he had been taken there by an uncle and was working there. Again he had called just to talk and catch up.
Today - on Pongal day, he had called up again to convey his wishes and talk. He spoke about how much he missed home and wanted to come back. He was earning a decent salary there in Malaysia, but felt he could get the same here in India and continue to study - something that he really wanted to do. He said that he had seen rich people in his life, including his relative, but always thought that they were arrogant, until he met the man I love. He inquired about the driver (who has left since) and how he (the man I love) was managing driving. It was a moment touched by tenderness and warmth....a concern that is often lacking even amongst close family members today.

The boy is the son of a poor farmer. The man I love is my dear husband!

Now here is his touching and inspiring story.....

This boy was in his twenties and was the only bread-winner of his family. His father had died when the boy was very young. His brother too died in an accident some months ago. He had to work to earn money for his old mother and for himself to live and study. He was driving the truck to earn some extra money for studying - he was doing his graduation through correspondence and very keen to complete it. He showed my husband his college ID while apologizing profusely for his mistake. 

While his story moved my husband to tears, the anger vanished and was replaced with love. Love for a young, spirited boy who worked hard to pursue his passion and come up in life. Even as my husband asked him to call if he needed any money any time, this boy refused to even consider that. He chose to be a friend and son from afar. Such is the power of love and compassion.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Hey Death!

Hey Death!
When you come knocking at my door
And I am not ready just yet,
You don’t wait for me
                      To say my goodbyes                      
To give one last hug
To the people I love
 I wonder why?
Will you not be my friend?
Will you not hold me gently?
Will you not numb my pain?
And ease me into your arms?
Perhaps then I will
Embrace you with a smile
Before I manifest
In another place and time
Until you come
To take me again…

Hey Death!
When you come knocking at my door
And I am all ready for you,
You wait for me my friend
To leave and let go of
The people I love
I wonder why?
Why don’t they celebrate your homecoming?
With a smile and a joyful rejoicing?
Knowing that you are but my escort
                             To another place and time                             
Where I will manifest
As a part of the earth, sky, water or fire
That is within every one of us.
If only they can stop to see
How we Inter-are
Until you come
To meet me again...