Yes, who am I?

Am I the one you see in this photo, or the one who pens these words?
Am I a mother, daughter, wife, friend, lover, human, warrior of love, rebel?
Am I a living lab, living an experiment which is this one life I've been given?
Am I speck of dust dancing on a sunbeam?
Or a ripple melting into another one?
Or am I an atom strung across this web of space and time?

Who am I?

This is the question I live and want to live now, in every breath taken and spent.

The words you see, hear, feel and touch here are dream-catchers.....catching the light and the dark, as I spin my web of thoughts.....a web that quivers in the silence within....

....a silence that I cherish....a silence where I thrive....a silence that brings the world to me and takes me on an endless ride to nowhere....a silence that holds the question -  'WHO AM I?'....three simple words that take me on a quest into nothingness....

....the fire that burns away the dross....the waters that take me into a stillness and depth that is indescribable......the wind that carries the fragrance of what feels like home.....the earth that holds it all together, unchanging, yet yielding....

Would you want to join me on this quest?
Would you like to connect with me just like that?
If you do, then drop me a line at prisri30@yahoo.com

  ~ Priya

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