Sunday, December 29, 2013

Water seeks its own level...

A glass of water
sits in front of me.

I can choose
to look at it,
or through it,
or just look away.

I can choose
to see it
as half full
or half empty.

It is my choice.
Not yours.

For you are
yourself -
just water,
in many forms.

What I cannot see
with my mind,
I can see with my heart.

Water seeks its own level.
I see you in me.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

What is home?

Have you for once,
stopped a moment to think -
"What is home?"
for the birds, 
butterflies and bees,
that cross over 
miles of emptiness,
to survive, sustain and seek?
Have you for once
wondered and asked -
"What is home 
for you and me?"
Is it what we leave behind? 
Or is it what we seek?

Friday, December 27, 2013


I often write my dreams
upon wispy clouds floating by,
and on distant stars
twinkling up high...
I wonder why?

I don't write my dreams
on steadfast trees,
or on mountains that rise
from the ashes beneath...
I wonder why?

Do I know that each dream
is born in a space,
where longing and faith
mate in silence and grace?

Or do I love the adventure
of looking up into the sky,
to behold with wonder
the beauty that Life reveals and hides?

Monday, December 23, 2013


suspended in
the inky black,
I don't know
where I am,
or where I go;
a surge of fear
rises inside;
I flail around to grip
anything I can find;
but there's nothing
to grab on to or ride;
and so I hold on
to myself a while,
and make peace
with the space
to not know;
it's the best place to be
as I find my way home.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Cutting Cabbage

I used to struggle
for a long time,
with cutting cabbage.

The knife,
the position,
the rhythm,
the space
between cuts,
was just not right.

I figured
the best way -
to go with the flow;
to hold myself
and the other,
and the space between,
until I finally got it right!

Life is like cutting cabbage.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Travel Light

Take away everything
I hold on to with fear
that binds self to self,
not wanting to let go.

Take away everything
I cling on to for life,
as I climb to the peak
that beckons up high!

Take away everything
so I can travel light,
to the Light within
the darkness tonight.

Take away everything
that I think is ME -
my thoughts, my poems,
my passion, my beliefs.

For each is but a foothold
to rest on for a while,
to catch my breath,
as I watch Life go by.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

The Thousand Balloons

I had a dream.

I had a dream about the moment when a little girl (who was blind) just got back her ability to see. She opened her eyes for the first time, to see a thousand colourful balloons floating around her. They were on shiny strings.

She smiled and watched them in awe, for she had never seen so many colours before! "They are really pretty!", she thought and stood for a moment just watching them float by. Time seemed to stand still. Then her gaze caught one pretty little balloon which had all the colours of the rainbow. It glistened in the warm, morning sun.

She suddenly felt a strong urge to catch that one. She wanted to hold on to its shiny string and watch it as long as she liked. She wanted it for herself because it had ALL the colours; it was the brightest, the prettiest one of them all. She wanted to take it home and show everyone her very special balloon. She started dreaming of how she would tie it to something near her bed and watch it everyday as she opened her eyes and before she went to sleep every night. She really wanted that one. Only that one.

Lost in her thoughts and dreams, the little girl stopped watching the balloons before her. She was watching them in her mind. And before she knew it, a strong gust of wind blew across and lifted them further away. Now they were all way up high, floating along with the clouds in the sky. There was no way she could reach any of them now.

She watched her special balloon go up too, along with the others. Teardrops fell silently, in a stream, to her arm and to the ground below. Yes, she was so close to getting her special balloon. But now, it was gone. A deep sadness filled her heart as she looked up.

 "I was so happy when I just watched them simply floating by", she thought. And then, she looked down at her feet. Right beside her tiny feet was a small pool of water. In that water, she saw a blur of colours...the thousand colourful balloons, including her very special one!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

In the Eyes of the Beholder

I stand
on the edge,
with the wind
on my face -
blue waters, 
painted storks,
green patches,
and pelicans' squawks;
a pretty picture
comes alive
in the eyes
of the beholder,
while they carry on,
and sing their song,
unfazed, untouched,
basking in the glory
of the glowing sun.


If only
were fragile,
sand castles -
built with love,
not hate,
on the sunny beaches
of time and space;
to be washed away
slowly and gently
by timeless waves,
that speak to us
of what is
real and alive....

Saturday, December 7, 2013


Driving to nowhere,
yesterday and tomorrow
merge into oblivion;
I begin to trust,
I drive,
but I am not the driver.

Driving to nowhere,
I surrender
to the infinite space
in the tiny gap
that binds thoughts -
where fear
becomes love, and
pain becomes joy.

Driving to nowhere,
I make friends
with the paradoxes
that drive me,
on an eternal quest
of exploring myself -
the ant on Mount Everest,
and David and Goliath;
when each can see
itself in the other;
each reveals
the true Viswaroopam.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Farmers - Our Unsung Heroes

I watch you with reverence and gratitude.

I watch your bare feet touch the red carpet. Feet that dance to an old, familiar rhythm, like a well-oiled machine, now drag themselves in an overwhelming, foreign world of plastic men and monstrous machines, that doesn’t feel like home.

You come as a visitor, but leave as a hero, touching my life for but a moment, with your innocent joy that speaks a forgotten language of simplicity and undiluted hope.

Your starched white dhoti cannot hide the earth that still clings to your feet with a love that is but mutual. The towel that you wear over your shoulder is the only symbol of celebration of a much-awaited outing to some place outside of home.

Your unassuming cloth bag which hangs from your arms is filled with new knowledge and “goodies” that you have gathered here. It has a space like your heart, that is giving and unassuming, that speaks of a love with the soil that spans centuries. You will do anything for that love it seems, just like a parent would for a child….But I silently hope that you will not forget that inherent instinct of a parent, in the flurry of “goodies” that a new and fast-changing world taunts you with. I pray that you will listen to your heart and do what you know is best for your child. For that I believe is the way out of this mire – for both you and me. And so I wish that your little bag and heart be filled with love and abundance. I wish the same for the rest of your tribe.

You give of your heart and soul, toil in the sun and rain, pray with all your heart for fair weather, raising each plant like your own child, only to give them away without holding back, to a stranger you have never met. I salute your trust and compassion for all of life.

Today, when I see my morsel of food, I will give thanks to you.....for I can smell your sweat in it. I can smell the sacred soil that gave life to both you and me, for we are one.

I can feel your heavy breath blow life into each mouthful, as you worked tirelessly against all odds, even when you were on the verge of giving up. I can feel your chapped fingers grace me with their unconditional love.

I can hear the sound of your feet against the moist earth as you ploughed and tilled day after day with a complete surrender that I struggle to understand and make peace with even today. I can hear the songs that you sang as you worked from dawn to dusk, that spoke of your joy and passion for living, and your tireless spirit.

I can taste the love and joy that you infused in it with your whole soul, as you sank your feet and fingers into the fragrant earth. I can taste the salt in your tears while you lay down to rest on a cold mud floor after a long day's work, wondering when you will find redemption from the endless cycle of debt and hope.

I can see your bare torso glisten with sweat in the warm sun; I can see the shimmer in your eyes as they crinkle up to form a smile or a tear; I can see your heart rip itself open to give and live for the moment, because you have known that that is all you and I have.

Yes, you are the unsung hero here. You deserve much more than this silent red carpet welcome - for you are the sacred channel between the earth and each of us. You give us our daily bread. And I bow down and salute you dear friend.


"What do you grow?"
I softly asked,
meeting your eyes
in the weary space
between our souls.

"There is no water"
"What can I grow?"
you said,
a lump in your throat,
as I swallowed mine.

Four eyes
brimming with water,
flooding hearts,
drowning souls;
yet just not enough,
to sprinkle, sow or grow.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

जब तुम नहीं होते

जब तुम नहीं होते
मन बावरा
तुझे ढूँढ़ता है -
खिलते हुए फूलों में,
बिखरे हुए मेघों में -
बेरस, बेरंग,
बेबस, बेशब्द;
सपनों के एक
छोटी सी लहर में
खो जाता है,
मन का राग
फिरसे जनम लेता है,
जब तुम नहीं होते

I speak.....but will you listen?

a weary tiger
kills a man.
the world conspires;
a mad hunt is on
to silence it
"I speak", says the tiger,
"....but will you listen?"

the living soil
sheds a silent tear
every time
an ignorant farmer
kills as he tills
centuries of love.
"I speak", says the soil,
".....but will you listen?"

a little weed
finds space
besides a lily,
uprooted as it sprouts;
a hushed cry
to live and let live.
"I speak", says the weed,
".....but will you listen?"

Deafening silence.
But will you listen?

Wednesday, December 4, 2013


a small white dove
grows wings
that expand
with every breath -
yours and mine,
to embrace
our world,
with gentle love,
and carry it forth
into the Light.

Lighted to Lighten

in the stillness
of an eclipse,
this mortal frame
into a life-size wick,
soaked in
a searing passion
to live life;
with its own light,
it comes alive,
lighting up lamps
waiting to be touched
with love and light.

Monday, December 2, 2013

30 square feet

30 square feet
yes, that's about all -
my little piece
of heaven and earth;
my window to
the sky, the sea,
and passing clouds
as I weave dreams;
the trees, the birds,
my plants, and weeds;
I have it all -
what more do I need?
a little patch
of morning sunshine,
a cosy space
for evening blues,
where I fill and empty
myself too;
yes, 30 square feet
to peep in, look out,
give grace for all
that I have and not.


surrender to
the spirit within -
let it move you,
let it become
every breath,
every word,
every thought,
every act,
as you take stage,
and come alive;
one more chance
to live your role,
to script your story,
and then,
without a word,
move on....

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Pods on an Old Tree

ripe, brown pods
hang heavy
from an old tree,
that watches them
with silent intent;
each an expression
of what is -
laden with emotions,
each pod is a reminder
that holds within,
a tiny seed
of endless possibilities;
holding each with love,
as it splits wide open
to release the seed -
that is the only way
the tree knows
to unlock its Self
and find its Bliss.

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Creativity Unplugged

sitting inside
a corked bottle,
creativity ferments
like vintage wine;
shake yourself up,
open the cork,
let it all out;
drown yourself
and the world;
celebrate the moment,
as you open
your bottle
of sweet champagne!

Friday, November 29, 2013

A Silent Procession

A silent procession
in a wild forest begins;
trees - old and young
shower their leaves -
a silent offering
of green and yellow,
gently bowing and waving,
as I pass by;
the wind whispers
an ancient hymn
of love and peace
from the hills beyond;
the distant sun
touches me softly,
warm speckles of light
on a lustrous sheen;
the flowing reeds
bow down with grace,
making way for me
to move on;
the soft, rounded pebbles
pave the way -
stepping stones
to my destiny;
tiny fish begin
their dance of joy;
the steadfast earth
brings me gifts
of a fragrant soil -
memories of sweet union;
and I flow on to touch
another forest,
in another time,
holding precious memories
of a celebration,
in the silent procession
of endless love.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

In the silent space between....

like the ebb and flow
of the timeless tides,
and in the silent space
a fountain of love
is birthed
in the pregnant pause
feeling empty and full.

Balcony Blues

nothing but blue
fills my eyes,
as I stand and look out
from a balcony high;
sea and sky
merge into one
misty blue space
of nothingness -
why do I feel
something tug
and give inside?
do I have blue eyes,
or is my heart
painted blue for a while?
or is the world feeling
what I am feeling too?
lost, empty,
desolate and blue?
you are here -
in the balcony
watching with me;
you are here
in the blue sky,
the birds, the trees;
you are here
in the blue sea,
the backwaters, the breeze;
you are here,
and yet I feel
you are not with me.

The Sacred Thread

look within
and pick up
the sacred thread
that connects you
to the web of life;
when you find it,
hold it with grace,
use it with love, and
sing a little song if you like,
as you weave it with care,
into an exquisite fabric
that adorns you
and the one
who watches you
with love.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Give and Take

Like a bee gives life
to the flower
that holds sweet nectar;
Like the clouds decorate 
an endless sky
that holds them light;
Like the sun rages on
as the frozen ice gives
on faraway peaks;
Like the rain from the heavens
is given form
by a parched earth;
Like the birds in flight
move the wind
that sets them free;
Like the lonesome trees
open their branches
to friends that sit beneath;
Let me be inspired
to find myself a tune,
and give of myself
as I hope to take from you.


Giving -
to just give.
Shradhha -
is all these for me.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

A Curry Leaf

like a curry leaf,
giving of itself
with no desire
but to infuse
a flavour and fragrance
like no other,
by life and death,
use and misuse,
a quiet thanksgiving,
a celebration,
for just being...

Monday, November 25, 2013

Shadow play

distraught -
shadow plays
of a tireless ego;
in the incessant play
of light and dark
is the source
of all that is -
the only GPS
that helps me
find my way home;
when I listen
to the silent whispers
of my heart,
I can sit back and watch
the shadows
come to life
and dance
with abandon,
scripting a new story
of light and dark.


Sacred River of Life

I come to you
as a child to her mother -
holding on to
a far away memory
of a safe womb -
the place of sacred rest;
standing beside you,
I can now look up
at the raging sun
with moist love;
I bend down
to hold and lift you
in my cupped palms
just as you held me
with your divine grace;
and then let you go 
with moist love 
and a silent prayer -
back to the source
of all that is;
rose petals and clay lamps,
my humble offerings,
afloat in your bosom,
with gratitude and love.



Come fill me,
until I have
no space within
to feel empty;
come lift me,
carry me yonder
into another
tequila sunrise,
so I can feel
the sun kissing
my gossamer skin;
I drift along
as the wind blows,
flowing, reaching out to
the Light within.

Friday, November 22, 2013

The Water's Edge

I stand on the water's edge.
My footprints are but a smudge
on the contours of the dry sand -
an invisible trail
to where I am now.
My eyes dance towards the horizon,
trying to make sense of its elusive existence.
Where does the earth meet the sky?
Where can that invisible place be?
Blue waters and white foam
lap around my sinking feet,
bringing me back
to where I am now.
Rooted, grounded,
in the wet sands
of infinite possibilities...
I see foot marks now-
soon they will be washed away
by the endless waves of time,
to leave no trace of today.
There are no footprints
to leave behind or follow,
when I soak in the presence
of endless abundance
as I stand on the water's edge.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Dream Catcher

why do you bleed dear Sky?
when your friend goes down, but for a while?
your heart does speak in many hues,
orange, purple, gold, red and blue;
do you mourn the poignant end today?
or do you hail the brilliant star that held sway?
who will you remember, when the last star is gone?
who will you wish upon, when a new one is born?
will you be the eternal mourner?
or wait in faith for the elusive dream catcher?

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Moonstone Magic

The Queen of the Night
sits on her throne
of grey and silver;
moonstone magic
fills the air, as
darkness melts,
black ice turns silver.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Desire and Destiny

are pearls
that are opened
every moment,
strung together
on a fragile thread
of surrender
to the present -
when you hold
with love and faith,
you live your destiny
as each pearl,
strung with grace.

Finding my song

A little bird
on a faraway tree,
I lived with a flock,
wild and free;
yet something was wrong
for I could not sing,
like my brothers and sisters,
who serenaded the Wind.
I had lost my voice,
while I listened to them sing,
until one day
my friend - the Wind,
called me to come
to a place he had been;
I shuddered, I quivered
to fly away with him.
So he took me and held me,
and showed me the way,
I grew new wings on my body,
as I flew away;
He roared and he whistled,
and lifted me up high,
to see the rainbow in a grey cloud,
that was passing by;
and then there was silence -
as I closed my eyes,
I heard songs from my family,
I also heard mine!
Each song was so different,
so special, so true,
like colours of the rainbow,
each had its own hue;
So have you found your own song,
to sing out to the world?
I finally found mine!
and I sing it out to you now!

Friday, November 15, 2013

Take me home...

Take me home...
carry me in your arms,
as a lover carries
his beloved;
lay me down softly
under the distant stars,
let Peace draw the covers,
as they watch us make love.

A Song to My Self

Dear Self, 

"I am what I am." is the only song of every creation - big or small, in the Universe. 

Why should you look out to see what is not there, when you can look within and see everything in you? 

Be yourself. Go within. Lock yourself up in your thoughts, in yourself. Shut out the world. Wear ear muffs to muffle the din. Listen to the song again and again, until it infuses every cell and vein in your fragile body.

.... So that when you come out, you emerge not to crawl along watchfully over the greens and browns, but to soar and catch the wind and the stars....splattering the sky with a riot of colours, as you find ways to express all of yourself, that you had locked up....and then, when you are done, you can drop down, to silently rest in your earthy home, until it is your turn again. 


The sky splits open,
Celebrations begin,
Sounds of prayer -
Hindu and Muslim;
The waters smile and blush,
Baring their mirth,
Trees sway to songs
Of heaven on earth;
Birds dart and hail,
Awoken from rest
To welcome a new morn,
That kisses each nest.

Thursday, November 14, 2013


Of those bygone wars.
Of old earthy vigour.
Life and Death.
In your veins.

Soul Sisters

Looking for a rose

walking in the garden,
looking for a special rose,
blind to all the love and joy,
in the wild flowers, waiting close.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Where do you find your star?

don't look up to the
studded night sky,
don't look for that perfect star,
don't rest your dreams
upon floating clouds,
don't pin a wish
on things afar;
rip yourself open - now,
bare everything
you've tightly locked,
and in those vaults
of overwhelming darkness,
you can be sure
to find your star!

Monday, November 11, 2013

Knives and Forks

why hold it
and cut it to pieces?
why struggle with it
with 'tools'?
when I've ten fingers
and a whole being,
why relish Life
with knives and forks?

The Bridge

the mind
that bubbles
and frolics,
and the body
that weaves
its magic,
to create
a rich tapestry
of light and dark,
is a silent witness
that binds -
that is the bridge
we must walk on,
to know all of Life!

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Filling my cup

when I hold
an empty cup,
I can choose
to fill it
with the Universe.

Thursday, November 7, 2013


If questions
were bridges
to nowhere;
if thoughts
were clouds
of raindrops, to share;
if dreams
were rainbows
without pots of gold;
if feelings
were butterflies
flitting about, to behold;
I would be
the infinite sky,
and everything
that's in it - wild!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Who holds up the sky?

who holds up the sky?
You or I?
the clouds that gather
to hold hands and smile?
or the trees that chatter
as they reach out a mile?
the mountains towering,
yet rooted in love?
or the oceans moving on
to build a fragile wall?
birds a-flutter
as they dance with the wind?
or loving hearts that yearn
looking up to the moon?
who holds up the sky?
You or I?
a ribbon of love,
binds us all to life.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Up, Up and Away!

thoughts and feelings
rise up and bob,
like colourful balloons
upon strings in the clouds;
I watch them pop,
I watch them rise,
when I snip off the strings,
every once in a while;
parts of  'me' adrift
in the infinite sky;
I let go, I watch,
as they take 'me' up high!
no desire, no control,
nowhere to go,
but to drift in a space
held with faith, love and more...

Sunday, November 3, 2013

We are the Light

we are the light
that enters the prism,
we are the prism
that give it expression,
we are the colours
that stand out and blend,
we are the rainbow
stretched from end to end,
we are the point
of beginning and no return,
we are the light
that becomes one, after each turn.