Tuesday, April 7, 2020

The Bridge Across Forever

I belong to twilight,
in the silence
between worlds,
where things
are always arriving,
without names.

I belong to dawn
in the stillness
between breaths,
where things
are always leaving,
being born,
without a whisper.

I belong
where nothing belongs,
only this life,
this body,
the bridge across forever

Saturday, April 4, 2020

इस मोड़पे मैं क्या करूँ?
छोड़ दूँ तुम्हें या बाँध लूँ?
इस तन में तन्हा उधार है
आखिर जीवन से कैसे जुदा रहूँ?

Friday, April 3, 2020


come to me
in a poem
like a river 
to the ocean
a hopeless soliloquy
of a heart
finding its way
into oblivion.

just one tear

just one tear
finds its way
to the call of a heart
steeped in love
into the vagaries
of this stillness
every thought 
of you.

the grief of being human

there is a grief
this utter wilderness
of loss

it is the grief
that I could not see you

I could not feel
beyond this veil
shrouding the truth

the truth of love
and of being human,
with you.

trails of love

the sky quivers
with every breath
of a passing cloud,
as I lie here naked,
stretched across the shores
of two worlds,
dying slowly
from both ends,
with every sunset passing,
without you.

there is no freedom
in love

only trails of memories
dragged upon my aching back,
only the sands of time spent
falling softy into the abyss
of this heavy heart,
only the shocking stillness
of a mind gone weary,
drunk on love,
only the pangs
of what must be forgotten,
rivetted in the richness
of a yesterday
that can never be born

there is no freedom 
in love

Saturday, March 28, 2020

like tomatoes and salt

there is something
in the way
salt softens
the hardest of tomatoes
that it holds me
in its magic
every single time

like relationships
that never end
on any note
other than
a soft becoming
of finding more
of growing more
of being more
a more
that never was

Thursday, March 26, 2020

NYEPI - The Day of Silence

Yesterday, March 25th, was Nyepi, The Day of Silence, celebrated in Bali. A day where you engage in silence, in pure self-contemplation, fasting, no phone, no internet, no entertainment. I read about a friend doing this the day before night. And was inspired to follow the same. No intentions, no plan. Just pure inspiration. So yesterday, I took a day off from here and from some other things. Silence. Speaking only when absolutely necessary, and only to my family. Being with myself wholly. Self contemplation. Phone switched off for the entire day from 12midnight the previous day, until almost 12 midnight yesterday. No internet. No laptop. No TV. No reading. No music. A water fast. No food from the previous night, until late last night. How was it? Absolutely effortless. And liberating. No withdrawal symptoms AT ALL for disengaging from FB or my phone or the internet. Was not tempted even once to go to any of those. And there was no tug or resistance inside that made me feel like I was exercising my willpower. I simply flowed with my simple everyday life, with absolute ease. This surprised me, as I did think I was addicted to these things. It was a revelation. And a celebration of me and the journey I have made and all that I invested in to get here. Here is what my day looked like.... I woke up and chose to connect with my body, where I was at, feeling into every part and how each was positioned. Woke up only when I felt absolutely ready. Went up to the terrace to sit and greet the morning sun, soaking it in, feeling its warmth and touch in every pore of my skin. Stayed in the stillness and silence of the morning, soaking in the vastness of the sky, the sounds of birds, the ocean in the distance, the fresh breeze, pausing with a butterfly dancing and then resting on a leaf in the distance, noticing things that I didn't notice before around me. Drank only water every time I felt a thirst pang or a hunger pang, or when I felt a tinge of dizziness. Wholesome, energy filled KANGEN water. Felt high on energy all day. Napped for about half an hour at the most. Lived on about 4-5 litres of water the whole day. And absolutely didn't feel tired at all the entire day. In fact, I achieved much much more in terms of work yesterday than I have in all these months. Spent time with my family - cuddled with my son, talked to him, shared what I was upto, tallked about the current state of affairs with the virus and its impact with Srinath, cuddled with some of the cats, talked with my mother about my fast. Did my chores around the house - cooking, feeding the cats and dogs, sweeping, washing up, dusting
  • Cleaned up my work desk and set up, created my altar anew.
  • Created a mandala, felt no desire to share it with the world, meditated twice in the morning and evening, sat with myself doing absolutely nothing, napped for a bit, lay down and felt into my body.
  • Soaked in smells, textures and sounds even more intensely and felt them very close. Watched how sensing them triggered temptation and desire in me to eat, click pictures, record things to share.
  • Watched every temptation and desire rise, and how I so wanted to act on each, or most; what they evoked in me; how a part of me wanted to just give up my fast and eat or atleast taste the food, how my eyes wandered to the snacks around, imagining the taste in my mouth, so desiring each and satiating my hunger, and how I was able to simply stay with it all and not succumb to temptation even once. It was a huge revelation.
  • Then, in an explosion of creativity and flow, I sat down and created mindmaps on everything that I had been planning loosely in my head over many months. I just churned out one after another effortlessly with so much clarity! The silence and fasting sure helped immensely! And I have been in that kind of flow ever since. This simple act of coming home to myself, my home, and this cocoon of silence, balanced out everything for me, after all the intense stuckness I have been experiencing for so long now. Today, I feel like a dragonfly out of its old home...the water...and stepping out into the vast mysterious depths of an endless sky, with newly formed wings, still learning how to use them in every moment, in every breath of what feels like a new lease of life. ~ Silence. The primordial womb. Of creation. Of protection. And destruction. Where every ending transforms into a fresh new beginning. The smell, taste and feel of home forever here and always arriving.

the world feels close today

the sun is closer today
setting fire to every pore
on this ragged skin I wear.
the world shrunk into one bubble
wrapped in ancient notes of silence,
what was once home.

a tiny bird resting on the
topmost branch of a bare tree,
filling herself with song and sun
today, I see her wings flap
a timelapse video
in a timeless pause,
she feels closer today
as I touch her softly
with my eyes,
even as she darts into the still blue
without a ripple.

a white tree stands out
in the crowd,
her stark purity
drawing my heart close,
I can smell her
from the distance today
and feel her flowers
celebrating life with their
utter softness.

and then, my eyes wander
upon the form of a tiny butterfly,
her orange matching the sun
as if it decided to come down
here and play with her for a while,
my being filled with music
the joy of simply being alive!

stoic pods hanging from the
roots of trees seeking sky,
with nothing
and everything
to do,
steeped into a patient waiting
for new life.

I look around

the world does feel closer today

like a home I never had
yet always wanted to feel,
where everything rests
in peace
the resting place of a billion hearts
looking for a forever home
that always is
that always can be,
if I remember
to feel
to pause.


Some years ago, after an ordinary conversation with a friend, where we were talking about filters through which we see the world, I decided to do away with wearing glasses.
Yeah, just like that.
And I have never worn nor felt the need to wear glasses ever since.
The headache that was plaguing me disappeared. And I was able to drive the car at night without any problems.
I cannot see far into the distance. I cannot read the number plates of cars far away. But I can see enough. Enough to be safe and drive safe.
It was just a simple soul centered act on an impulse.
There is no logic to it.
Yet it worked.
For me.
And that's how I love to live my life mostly.
Not by being impulsive.
But by being inner sourced.
To go wherever my inner guidance takes me.
And yes, sometimes there are divine detours too.
It is all part of the game of Life.
Part of the package.
I had the clarity I needed to make the decision.
There were no lingering voices.
And that experience told me this.
That I always have enough clarity.
Enough to take the next step.
I may not know where I am headed or rather, how this step is going to lead to where I want to go.
But I know enough to pause, look around, listen and move.
Much like a spider listening to every quiver of its web.
Today I know this kind of clarity as power.
And as being in sync with Life.
Trusting in every step I take.
Yes, there are no mistakes.
There are only beautiful wanderings of a heart seeking home.
In every breath.
Swati Joshi, Guy D Craft and 4 others
1 comment

Sunday, March 22, 2020

happy lostness

when thoughts become
the fringes of a kite
baring its skin,
in the clear wind
of presence,
still and moving,
at once,
I rest in the soft humus
of my newborn heart,
feeling each tug
upon that string
of love,
binding oceans
and voids
of a happy lostness
in one ordinary breath
of sheer magic.