Thursday, March 28, 2013

Suspended in Silence

but a tiny speck
in the black wilderness,
I hang by a thread
of existence;
in the web of  Life...
I dare not move,
where silence is rife;
thoughts freeze over
in a quiet home -
doors and windows,
Closed. Alone.
time stretches
to eternity,
as I wait
in silence -
for serendipity.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The Stone and the Ripple

Into the blue
I am thrown,
ripples around me
stillness dethroned,
a single move
brings waters alive,
silence and calm
transformed - to ride
waves that change,
grow and reach out,
moving energy
inside out;
as I stop to ponder
amidst it all,
am I the ripple?
or am I the stone?
or does one move the other?
to balance the flow?

Monday, March 25, 2013

Into the Black Hole

As you lead me
into an endless tunnel,
from blinding light
through the black,
I travel,
where I cannot feel,
and I cannot see,
I cannot touch,
and I cannot hear,
where You and I
just disappear!
As you lead me
into the deep black hole,
where space and time
reverse roles;
I discover within,
a magical place,
where You and I
are but One!

Sunday, March 24, 2013


The world is full
of opposites,
held together
in orbit -
when one moves on,
the other comes in,
like the waves that ebb
and then rush in,
to restore, to renew,
to connect, to till;
when we let go, and
surrender our will,
we understand,
the bigger plan -
they are not different
nor in conflict,
but are two sides of a coin,
united - a perfect fit!

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Like a Feather

a feather
takes flight
upon the wind
here and there, as
breath grows wings;
where do I belong?
where do I go?
who will tell me?
who will know?
as voices quieten,
a stillness descends,
the feather dances, with
the wind - its friend;
tossing and swirling,
Light. Content.
where thoughts and questions
find their end;
there is no place
to go or know,
but this moment
in time, and to
go with flow.
Calm. Clear.
Aware - the essence.
becoming one
with existence!

Friday, March 22, 2013

Diving into myself

with eyes closed
I take the plunge -
a leap of faith
into the dark deep,
where cerulean skies
fade away
with every breath,
in the blue-black sea;
stifled with fear
of the black expanse,
my body taut
to drop its defense,
I sink, I tumble and
arise with the flow,
I see around me
bubbles aglow!
a form of the Buddha
looms in sight,
his head bathed,
in a pool of light,
just as I stop
and let go of all,
my eyes set ablaze
with a dazzling white wall,
I slowly emerge
from the darkness beneath;
when I dive within,
I set myself free!

Thursday, March 21, 2013


I sometimes wonder
if I hold a boulder
on my shoulder -
infinite thoughts,
worries and doubts,
the weight of the world
it seems to hold;
until it drops, freed
into the rolling green
o'er hills and valleys
so silent, serene -
the sound of your flute
beckons and calls,
through gushing rivers
and waterfalls;
now bouncing and dancing
into the horizon,
it rolls along
with gay abandon!

Monday, March 18, 2013

Like a Pendulum

everything fades
into oblivion,
where thoughts
stand still
with creation,
as I move in and out,
around and about,
like a pendulum
moving in
slow motion -
I draw my path
with twists and turns,
weaving patterns,
as I learn,
until I finally
come to rest,
be still and silent,
feel and connect.

Saturday, March 16, 2013


like the breeze that teases and wanders in,
like the leaves that float free on the wind,
like the dew drops resting on morning leaves,
like the first raindrops that caress the seas,
like the sun and cloud playing hide and seek,
like the rainbow that arrives to take a peek,
like the sand that glides across the shore,
like the snowflake that touches the ice below,
as You are born, You get ready to go,
from nothing, to nothing, You vanish so!
as I befriend  You, You let me go,
Thoughts passing over
a transient abode!

Friday, March 15, 2013

The Inner Dance

orange and white -
flashes from below,
light up the darkness
hanging heavy at my brow,
as warm waves engulf
to gently wash over,
my body and arms numbed,
my thoughts centered,
I slowly arise
like the streaks of light,
to float on a cloud,
dancing inside!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Free fall

Flat on my bed
lying fast asleep,
thoughts and visions
drift into the deep...
when suddenly
I feel myself
fall, fall, fall....
into a bottomless abyss,
I can't hold on or call!
As my blood rushes to fill -
to control, to correct,
to heed to the will;
until I surrender
to the power
from below or above?
enjoy and glide
through the ride -
my free fall....

Friday, March 8, 2013

On Volunteerism

At the India Homeschoolers Conference, there was some mention of volunteerism and how sometimes a professional who is paid to do a job, does it better, is less tired and so on. Those thoughts and words sent me on a flashback down memory lane, when I started my life and found a new passion in special education, about twenty years ago, as a volunteer.

I did my graduation in Physics and was adamant about continuing with a Masters' and exploring areas like astrophysics and metaphysics which were very close to my heart then. But my marks were just not good enough to help me get on the path to pursue that. I took a year off and just chilled at home, writing poetry, reading and doing nothing most times! I wonder today how magnanimous my parents were to allow me to do what I wanted then! Perhaps I would have done well if they had unschooled me too, although I really have no regrets now! It was around that time, when my mother felt I was feeling low or depressed, that she spoke to me about The Spastics Society of India (now Vidya Sagar) and how I could volunteer there if I liked it. It was a very different path that I hardly knew anything about and wanted to give it a try....and so I went. From then on, there was no looking back....from Physics to Special Education, in a family of high achievers was something that was unheard of and unthinkable too in many ways. But my parents supported my decision and that was all that mattered.

I joined as a volunteer in a class which had children with severe multiple disabilities - who were almost like vegetables to the outside world - incapable of anything. But being a volunteer there opened my eyes to a whole new world where achievement, joy, parenting, teaching and living were redefined and looked at with a fresh perspective and a different yet colourful lens. All my problems that had once loomed large over me, faded into thin air, when I lived with the parents and their concerns and difficulties everyday with their child.....not looking at them as problems, but as challenges to take on. I learned to celebrate life and living. I learned to give and do without hope of return. I don't know if I could have learned a better way of doing that if I was a paid staff member.

I was a volunteer for about six months before I joined the course in special education, and those were some of the most cherished moments in my life. With myself, I found that I was more passionate, committed and sincere when I did something voluntarily rather than when I got paid for it. I don't know why. Maybe it was because volunteerism has a lot to do with interest, passion and inner drive. I hardly took a day off, was almost always there on time, worked over time too to finish things off, and didn't tire of the work involved. I did not have the same feelings later, when I joined as a staff member in the same place. I was sincere and hard-working and committed to my work, but something was missing. I wonder why now.

I feel now that money binds us and builds walls. I feel that it destroys rather than creates. I feel that it transports the motivation to outside of us - so there is no longer that intrinsic motivation or passion that drives and creates, but rather the extrinsic motivation that is dependent so much on the environment and everything else from outside of us. Money often sets expectations and limits, while volunteerism liberates and expands one to look beyond oneself and the task at hand. Volunteerism makes one more proactive and allows one to take ownership and pride in one's own work. It gives one a true sense of participation and self-worth that is not measured, judged, appraised and compared. I felt all this and more when I was a volunteer at both Vidya Sagar and Consumers Association of India. I felt I achieved a lot more than what I did when I was paid for a job that had to be done.....because when you volunteer, you put your heart and soul into the work you take put yourself into it first before anything work on it with passion and love that cannot be replaced by anything else in this world.....when you volunteer, you give yourself....and sometimes perhaps that is why you remember both the pain and joy of volunteering more than any other job that you have taken on!

So have you volunteered for anything in your life? Can you recall the pleasure and / or pain of doing that?

Thursday, March 7, 2013

My Space Bubble

From the comfort
of my little
glassy home,
sounds of the world
muffled to a drone;
I look at the world
through sheer walls,
as I float free
on the wind
that carries me,
to places
I haven't seen,
that glisten
with rainbow hues,
in the sunlight
that touched
my world too,
and in that expanse
of a new-found light
and unfettered love,
my bubble popped;
my world grew!

Saturday, March 2, 2013


get in the way
as I speak -
like a dam
that holds back
a river of thoughts
gushing forth
from a
hidden spring
within -
to let out
but a trickle -
just not enough
to quench the thirst
of a soul
that looks
to nourish
the parched earth
with one drop of rain.