Thursday, November 29, 2012

As I drew you....

As I drew you...
I touched
your bushy hair,
as it gave way
and bounced back.

As I drew you...
I touched
your soft cheeks,
like chocolate
still warm with laughter.

As I drew you...
I touched
every fold in your face,
as you smiled
with abandon and simple joy.

As I drew you...
I touched
the sparkle in your eyes,
as they swelled
with a love for life itself.

As I drew you...
I touched
your crystal voice,
as it echoed
deep in my heart and soul.

As I drew you.....
I touched
your spirit unbound...
as it stoked me
and set me a free.


  1. Wow.
    This is amazing Priya! Lovely poem and a fantastic sketch! Beautiful expression caught :)

  2. beautiful verses, Priya. Every thought is swelling with your motherly love and feelings...
    And, what a beautiful sketch of your son.


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