Friday, September 9, 2016

the wonder of small things

I ask only this
over and over again -
who holds the tiny form
who sets off into a vastness
with no end;
only flaps that keep her close
to her own beating bosom?
who does she look to
to hold her as she journeys
for a morsel to fill hungry beaks
day after blessed day?
does she remember the ground
from where she took off
as she unfurls her wings
to the daunting wind?
does she call upon her flock
to hold her as she falls
to her own death,
or as unnamed guardians
to her chicks just hatched?
do you know what drives her
to set off at the crack of dawn,
singing a happy song?
do you know what calls to her
to soar and slump,
and glide and dart,
even as the sky changes her mood?
if you come to know,
do let me know,
and until then, I'll rest
in the things that hold
and carry wings,
things that cannot be seen,
but only felt in every breath
of these billowing lungs,
in the wonder of small things.

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