If you would like to connect with other homeschoolers or unschoolers, the following are the online communities in India. 

Do make use of the ones that suit you best.

Official Website of Swashikshan - Indian Association of Homeschoolers is the official website. It is open to all. Newcomers, media persons, visitors etc. are directed here.
What you can do to make it come alive - contribute articles, links to your blogs on homeschooling, other interesting links, general homeschool information, resource persons, classes, workshops and activities in your city/area...
You can send all this and more (that you feel will be interesting and relevant) to the editorial team for uploading.

Other Online Forums
  • is the official discussion group for homeschoolers only where we discuss everything under the sun that affects us and our families. Also when there is a national event, a lot of the communication has been happening there.
  • There is also punehomeschoolers@googlegroups.There are regional groups in Bangalore and Chennai too....and you can start your own google group too for your own community in your area! But do keep us informed so we can add it in here!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Priya, I've my taken my daughter out of mainstream education three weeks back. I'm in Chennai. Things seem to be fine. Since I'm new to this, I need a few clarifications. Will you please help? Deepa


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