Friday, August 30, 2013

Full and Empty

Thay says: "You see this glass. It is empty. Empty of what? It is empty of tea, but full of air.....emptiness is not a negative thing. It is a wisdom...a father is empty of himself, but full of his son....a son is empty of himself, but full of his we inter-are."

 As I read this, I cannot help but feel that emptiness, pain and empathy are so closely inter-related. They inter-are.

When one truly feels the pain of another, one is empty of oneself. Is that then real empathy?

When one feels the pain of suffering then, is it because one is so full of the other and empty of oneself?

Is that why some pains are so deep that they cannot be erased or forgotten? Is that why they sting you to your innermost core?

And yet, both states of feeling and being - either empty or full, bring so much joy.....for you are never really empty of something, nor are you really full of something. Yet another paradox of life!

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