Friday, November 27, 2015


I love the time of day
when I'm alone,
when time overflows
from the silence
of immovable walls,
into everything
that's not me
and me,

when I can become
and wander aimlessly
to the doorway
between two shades of blue,

when I can perch atop
a lingering cloud
and look at the world
and scream out loud,

when I can rest
for as long as I like
upon the wings
of a bird
moving effortlessly
between worlds it doesn't own,

when I can float upon
and jump from ripple to ripple
in any direction
and still flow on,

when I can come back
and sit upon the banks
in the motionless sand
and snuggle close
to the dancing sheaves of grass,

until I want to move
as me
into a formless world
that gives me form.

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