Sunday, July 3, 2016


you seduce me
with your talent
of bringing me close,
so close
to what I love,
to what I want,
to what I have died for
in my wispy dreams,
you beckon me
to follow you
around the bend
and into a darkness
I can smell
but not see,
you challenge me
to look you
straight in the eye
and shout out
to the whole world
that yes,
I desired this!
you feed me
with your hands,
cupping your love
for adventure and pause
in those clever palms,
and me, 
I'm soft and porous now
like the tilled earth,
ready to look you
in your eyes, dear Life,
to tell you
how much I love you,
and take you close
into this burning heart
fanning the flames
of my heartfelt desires.

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