Thursday, May 30, 2013

Seven Doors to You

Like a little child
running here and there
playing hide and seek
without a care,
doors open and close
as I follow You,
Seven Notes, Seven Doors
all lead me to You;
Joy unlocked,
my whole being stirs,
as I hear You, through the doors
but not with my ears.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Can I be?

can I be
a teardrop
in a well of tears?
can I feel the pain?
and still hold back
the flowing, salty tears?

can I be
a drop of rain
free falling from the sky?
can I choose
how to fall on earth?
stop a storm or drought go by?

can I be
a drop of water
in the endless sea?
can I see
myself as me?
and also be the sea?

can I be
always myself
free from thoughts and lies?
can I be
truly detached
in this world of ties?

Friday, May 24, 2013

The Cord

the cord was cut
a long time ago,
when I came to life
to be human so -
when I lost touch
with my self and You,
for my birth was my death
and the death of Truth;
where was the cord
that bound me to You,
as I wandered around
looking for You?
a separate identity
was all that I had,
pain, fear and loss,
a deep grief inside;
until I saw that
You're there everywhere!
pregnant and poised
in the womb of Life;
I found the connect
in the dance inside
as I look without,
the cord's rooted inside!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

I Love You

I love you beyond
the silver in your crown,
the wrinkles in your face,
and eyes forlorn. 

I love you beyond
the gold in your teeth,
the salt and pepper moustache
stretched between your cheeks.

I love you beyond
the embers that stain,
when anger has burnt out,
and nothing else remains.

I love you beyond
everything that I see,
when I feel your love
inside of me!

When I wondered...

When I wondered for a moment
if you would listen to me,
with love in your heart
and a silent acceptance
of a space that was shared
with your soul,
You listened, you gave,
with your being,
with your whole life
interwoven with mine....

When I wondered for a moment
if you would walk away
when I fell into the dark depths
of loneliness and gloom,
unable to find my way 
out of the broken doom,
You stayed, you picked up
pieces one by one,
to redeem and recreate
together, our life …

When I wondered for a moment
if you would stand up
to face the world
for you and me,
when our bodies and hearts 
were bruised and weary,
You lifted us both
from the centre of the fire
with hope and faith,
to surrender to love and desire...

When I wondered for a moment
if you would tire of me
for you'd changed jobs
like changing clothes,
befriending uncertainty
and loving what is,
You held me, you wrapped me
in time that stood still,
to always look for the silver
around dark clouds of fear...

When I wondered for a moment
if you were too old
to hold me in your arms
and look into my eyes
with wonder and longing
to chase our far away dreams,
You stood by me, with me
as a lover and child,
to reach for the stars
in our eyes and beyond....

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Sat. Chit. Ananda.

Existence. Consciousness. Bliss.

Three faces of the same FEELING or SPACE or BEING that one cannot name, describe or put into words in anyway....
When you say that YOU ARE, then you have to BE AWARE and be JOY.
When you say that YOU ARE AWARE, then YOU ARE and ARE JOY.
When you say that YOU ARE JOY, then YOU ARE and ARE AWARE.
When you feel one, then you feel the other two!
When you find one, then you find the other two!
When you are one, then you are the other two!

Friday, May 17, 2013


a monstrous shadow
looms large ahead,
a screeching sound
pierces my head;
I run away
from monsters
that rule my life,
only to be chased
and run over
in fright;
until I stop and
look in the eye,
in faith and love,
peace always in sight;
it is most hard
to stay in the fight,
but all is overcome,
in a new-found Light.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

The Flow

I am in the river of Life...
If I go with the flow, and not think about whether I know how to swim or not, and just AM, then I flow with the cosmic rhythm.
Then I can listen to the song of the water, watch the sights go by with wonder and love, making friends and connections with everything that comes my way - rocks, sea weed, trees, other creatures, hills, valleys, cities, and everything else, until I become one with the Sea.
But when I resist the flow with my mind, by thinking and asking questions about "what if..." or "I know..." or "I don't know....", then I stop going with the flow, and try to hold on to something out of fear......
That is when the Ego comes in......I hold on with my little self.....that grows huge and takes over everything else.....and I stop listening to the song and the silence and stop dancing to the rhythm of Life....rather, I get drowned in the din of the mindless chatter that goes on in my mind....
When I hold on, I go with my Ego......and when I let go, I go with the flow of Life....with love and faith and a complete surrender.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

In Search of Love

Like a honeybee
that flits about
in search of
sweet nectar,
in the choicest
of flowers,
that hold
their heads up,
dipped in
countless hues,
I search
for Love
in one, then another,
a beggar for alms,
lost in the colours
of the world
and its lies,
until I come
to rest
in my hive,
where the
sweetest honey
is made
from my mind -
that gathers
and digests
the love
that I find
in different colours,
in others and mine!

Like a Dewdrop

If only
I can be
a drop
of morning dew
on a blade of grass,
that feels the pain
of a parched earth,
but does not cry
if its water runs dry;
as it rests on the edge,
and awaits its turn,
in a silent longing,
to fall and rise again
into the endless sky!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Stone Self

lifetimes of dust,
a hardened stone -
stands solid and fast, as
waves wash over, cold!
it takes years to make
small crevices in
the rock solid self
and pry within;
to wash away
the layers of dust,
to crack open the shell,
I must give in!


Saturday, May 11, 2013

So What?!

I needed to write this as a sort of release for myself more than anything else....
I am now ready to write this as I have learned to love beyond all these outward things....however, these did plague me earlier and I was torn between my beliefs, needs and those of others close to me....but not anymore.

I have had very little material needs ever since I was little. I hardly cared so much about dressing up, buying the latest stuff, being with the crowd, keeping up with others and so on. I don't remember demanding anything from my parents, except having pets that ranged from dogs to rabbits to injured baby squirrels and a one-day pet  - a baby donkey that was walking along our road that I wanted to be with closely for a day!

My sister and I used to detest going to the Rotary Club parties that were so much a part of my parents' lives....they still have such an active social life even at the age of eighty! I remember how we used to go to those get-togethers complaining, grumbling, but looking forward to some good food :)....we were never given the choice of staying home. We hated sitting together in a corner like 'wallpaper' (that was our nickname given by one of our family friends!) with plastic smiles on our faces, not knowing what to talk or say to the people around us. I don't know if these could have been  reasons for both of us being sort of reclusive, even now sometimes, in huge gatherings.

For a very long time, I had very strong beliefs about these things and many others. I felt that people who were like that were hypocritical, superficial and not 'real'. I had very strong notions of what was right and wrong. I looked at everything with my beliefs and philosophies. It has taken me all these years of parenting and unschooling to look at everything, including myself differently. It has been a slow, painful and yet deeply spiritual journey.

Today, these things don't matter to me anymore. And I can tell you that it is so much relief to think and be this way. Because you stop judging yourself and other people then, and accept everything that flows into your life with equanimity. I am not quite there yet, but I know I am getting there. I know and am very aware of how I have changed.

I have a husband who loves gadgets and the latest cars and bikes and good clothes and....I have a son who loves most of those things too. While earlier, I used to feel caught between two people with needs that were 'extravagant' according to me, and try hard to make them see the other side of things, today I rest in peace with myself and them.....for today, I think that those things don't matter as much as what is beyond that outer facade.

So what if they like to drive around in the latest SUV and add to the carbon print, while I think about and cry for the environment? I still love them!
So what if they love their different hi-tech gadgets and cannot do without them, while I don't quite like or need those? I still love them!
So what if they want to go to splurge once in a while and I like to live within my means? I still love them!

So what?! .....because I think everyone of us is here to make our own unique inner journeys.....a journey with our own self where others are like signposts.....and every one of us is at a different point in that cannot hurry that process nor can that be controlled from outside. So  then why should we try to change mindsets at all? Why can't we rather focus all energies inward and try and understand ourselves first? Why can't we let people just BE?!

After all, even a rogue has a soul and is on the very same journey that we are all what if he is a rogue? So what if he is inhuman sometimes? Can we look beyond all that and say to ourselves : "So what?!"


a tiny leaf
silently waits,
for a drop of rain
in the storm
that's brewing,
not knowing
that it's very presence
to stand up and dance
to the song of the wind,
is a thanksgiving.

Friday, May 10, 2013


rushes in -
floodgates open,
the heart
does a cartwheel,
the breath
skips a step,
do a tango,
walls crumble
in the head;
when one becomes all,
and nothing's left unsaid,
what matters in the end
is every moment's a fest!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

The Fine Balance - Passion Vs. Obsession

What is the difference between passion and obsession? Are they different?
When does passion become an obsession?
What happens when one is consumed by one's own passion?

These are many of the questions that I kept asking myself when I wondered if  my son was harboring a passion or an obsession - first with television, then with Lego and then now with the iPad.

Our journey into homeschooling started off with him just sitting and watching TV the whole day long, day after day and month after month. I guess it must have been a sea change from a totally structured day at school, into one where he had to make choices every moment of the day. I frankly don't know what he learned in those months of watching TV almost all the time. I guess I don't even need to know actually, because he was happy and that triggered many questions that led us to explore other things.

That 'lost' look, which one usually associates with someone who is 'lost' in his world of obsessions, was not there....rather he was engaged but totally immersed in what he was watching - smiling, nodding or shaking his head, laughing at a joke or totally focused on what was being shown on TV.

In the beginning, it was very hard for me, with all my fears and pre-conditioned ways of thinking and reacting, to give him the space to explore what he wanted to. So there was a lot of controlling from both me and my husband as we tried to come to terms with what we thought was becoming or could become an obsession. By doing that, we were unconsciously feeding our fears that grew and loomed over all of us, making it easier in fact for my son to fall over to the other side. It was only when we let go of what we thought it was leading to, or becoming, that we were able to see it differently and understand it.

It was his explorations with Lego that actually made us understand the difference between passion and obsession. When he was into his Lego, usually while building or creating something huge, he would set up his own creative space......he would get organised by turning on the computer, going to the website where he found instructions, ask me to get something to munch to keep nearby, put on his favourite music on iTunes, adjust the volume to the perfect pitch, and get ready to get started building. For the next few hours and sometimes the whole day, this would be the scene - he would prance and dance around the room, to the beat of the music, singing some of the songs, while finding his Lego blocks and building something. If he was too engrossed in building or wanted to finish up to a point, he would sometimes ask me to feed him his lunch or snack. Sometimes, he would be so engrossed that he would forget that he was hungry or that he needed to go to the bathroom even, and would have meltdowns when it got too much to handle. Those were (and still continue to be at times) very challenging times for us, as he would not like reminders from us.

I remember the time when he wanted us to buy the Taj Mahal Lego set. Until the time that he wanted it, he would admire it at the toy shop window in the mall we used to go to for his Lego. But he would never ask us for it; he would just stand and look at it intently every single time and talk about every detail. Finally one day, when he asked us to get it for him, and we did, he was so thrilled; he spent three days continuously on that building project, stopping only to sleep! He was like a little artist - he would wake up and go straight to his room to get building, and would ask me to feed him all his meals in the day, and then stop late in the night, to sleep just enough to get rejuvenated for the next day's work.

Recently, over the last few months, he has moved on from Lego to the iPad. I saw a similar pattern with the iPad too as it was with Lego earlier. When he is into exploring the iPad, he is doing only that and sometimes nothing else. With the iPad I saw a lot of anger, irritation and low tolerance levels to everything that was said or what happened outside of him. He would also not respond at all most times if I asked him about food or going to the loo or anything else that I had to communicate with him. Writing notes to him to read also did not help. He would be very engaged with the iPad, but would be lost to everything else inside and around him. And because of that, he would get lost in the different signals that his body gave him - totally confused - which would eventually lead to a huge meltdown, with too many things to handle at one time.

It was then that we had a discussion with him about obsession and passion....asking questions, finding signals in our own selves, sharing thoughts and ideas....He asked us if we had any obsessions and how we tackled them.  I shared with him how I was at one point addicted to betel nut and could not do without it, and how I finally decided one day in my mind that I would not eat it anymore and thereby overcame that feeling. I also shared with him how his father was addicted to smoking when he was much younger; so he went and asked him how he had given that up, and discovered that he had done so in a similar way by exercising control over his mind.......he listened patiently to our stories and this is what he came up with finally - he said that what he was passionate about was Lego, but that the iPad was now becoming more like an obsession, because he wanted to stop sometimes, but could not get his body to listen to him. He then came up with his own idea of setting an alarm on my mobile every time, to remind him when to stop.

So we tried that out for some days. Some days it worked, and some days it didn't, and after a point he didn't want to use that alarm anymore. He went back to playing on the iPad for most of the day. But something inside him had changed. He was more aware of his body signals and had fewer meltdowns. However, the irritation and anger continued. Sometimes, it was more when he stopped playing it, as he said he did not know what else to do. So then, we tackled that feeling of not knowing what to do and boredom, by voicing out how he was feeling and talking about it.

A month or so ago, a good friend of mine visited us and spent a few hours with us. While she was leaving, she shared her fears about the use of gadgets and how most often parents make the mistake of getting one of those and then kids get hooked to it so much that they cannot do without it, so much so that it becomes an obsession. I shared with her my thoughts on this - that I find the computer, TV and iPad great tools for learning independently, especially for a self-learner like my son, who would rather learn from something like that, than from a person. I also shared with her the discussion we had about obsessions with our son, to which she said : "But do we have to wait for them to get into the trap of an obsession and then find a way out?"

That was a question which stayed with me. I pondered long and hard about it. Finally I let my mind rest in peace with what we have chosen to do as a family. I know that my son learns by doing and on his own, even if it means falling down a number of times and getting hurt. So this is the way for us now I go into the darkness of an obsession too in order to understand it and come out of it on one's go into the fire of passion and come out with it in one's flesh, blood and spirit, alive and blazing! I do feel that there must be a lot more learning when one does it this one has lived it.

So then, what is the difference between a passion and an obsession? These are my thoughts...

Passion and obsession I feel, motivate us to take risks, to push ourselves, to make sacrifices and even go away from the norm to achieve what we want, without any expectation of extrinsic rewards. They drive us to the edge sometimes, but it is only there that one can feel the difference. Passion creates, while obsession destroys....passion involves an inner drive that pulls one towards the brink of creation, while obsession involves a kind of drifting, to escape into another world.....passion liberates a person, and helps him build relationships, while obsession confines....passion allows one to be on the edge and yet create and sustain joy...and find the balance.

Over the last few weeks, there has been a huge change in the way my son has been handling the iPad. He no longer sits with it the whole day long and then has meltdowns because he is hungry or tired or for some other reason like boredom. He no longer needs an external reminder to stop when he wants to. He just puts it down when he feels like and moves on to something else.....and that something else has not been Lego!

I don't know what the shift has been inside him and how or when it actually happened. But I know for sure that something has changed and he has made different choices than the ones he was making earlier.

Monday, May 6, 2013

The Surge

I feel you rise
inside me
slow and sure,
a surge,
a tsunami,
after a stir...
shattering walls
strong and old,
with your power,
they've no foothold;
I sit in silence
submerged, shaken,
as you rise
from within,
tears mistaken,
for sadness or joy,
does it really matter?
as I surrender my will,
my mind and its chatter,
a voice inside
calls out "Mother!";
as I long to embrace
her and every other;
my whole space fills
with love unplugged,
overflowing beyond
to all with love.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Leave the door open...

leave the door open
a little longer......
and let the sunlight
fill the emptiness
and light up
the darkest nook...

leave the door open
a little longer...
and wait for the wind
to saunter in
and lift the veil
of fear and doubt....

leave the door open
a little longer.....
so you can hear
the little bird
that sings everyday
because it has a song....

leave the door open
a little longer....
so you can smell
the flowers, the trees
the earth and the rain
that soak your whole being....

leave the door open
a little longer...
so you can just be
and watch everyone
stream in and out
like visitors to a loving heart...

Thursday, May 2, 2013

I am

I am the woman
on the water's edge,
as waves of fear,
rise and fall on the ledge.....

I am the child
running wild, to the sea,
to touch the waters
with love; fear set free!

I am the water
heaving and sighing,
as I dance with the shore
in gay abandon...

I am the roar,
the song, the silence;
I am what I am -
the whole of existence!