Wednesday, May 22, 2013

When I wondered...

When I wondered for a moment
if you would listen to me,
with love in your heart
and a silent acceptance
of a space that was shared
with your soul,
You listened, you gave,
with your being,
with your whole life
interwoven with mine....

When I wondered for a moment
if you would walk away
when I fell into the dark depths
of loneliness and gloom,
unable to find my way 
out of the broken doom,
You stayed, you picked up
pieces one by one,
to redeem and recreate
together, our life …

When I wondered for a moment
if you would stand up
to face the world
for you and me,
when our bodies and hearts 
were bruised and weary,
You lifted us both
from the centre of the fire
with hope and faith,
to surrender to love and desire...

When I wondered for a moment
if you would tire of me
for you'd changed jobs
like changing clothes,
befriending uncertainty
and loving what is,
You held me, you wrapped me
in time that stood still,
to always look for the silver
around dark clouds of fear...

When I wondered for a moment
if you were too old
to hold me in your arms
and look into my eyes
with wonder and longing
to chase our far away dreams,
You stood by me, with me
as a lover and child,
to reach for the stars
in our eyes and beyond....

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