Sunday, January 31, 2016

Beloved Life

dear Life,
don't be my mistress.
don't seduce me
with your closeness,
humming the tune
of my dreams,
don't make me weak
in my knees,
whispering the words
I've so longed to hear,
exploding into the stillness
of this sleeping soul,
don't weave a stole
with memories and songs
luring me into the warmth
of an embrace unwrapped.

don't be my mistress, dear Life.
be my beloved,
so I can lay myself down
under the wide open night,
naked and whole,
feeling the still wind of my dreams
and desires unmet, resting
upon my star-spangled skin,
turned on by myself,
stoking my endless longing
for you, my beloved -
this one gorgeous life.

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