Wednesday, June 8, 2016

moved by blue

like a compass turns to rest,
my eyes roll over to the blue,
the colour of oceans
churning out endless love,
the colour of remote mountains
naming things that are far away,
the colour of vastness and depth
in the ribbon of a spotless sky
gift-wrapping the earth,
the colour of aloneness
where everything else around me
either blurs or comes alive,
the colour of a place in my dreams
where I can go to, whenever I like,
the colour of a desire
that cannot be named
but only felt and borne,
the colour of a world
I know is out there and possible,
seen from here
where I stand and look,
the colour of this world
seen from somewhere,
where I dare to go,
the colour of longing
for all the places
I can never go to,
and for all the people
I can never own;
blue -
the colour of a truth
that must be worn.

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