Thursday, April 17, 2014

Notes to Myself -1

When I am able to see even an inkling, a sliver of the beauty behind another's deed, words and thoughts, I think I start falling in love with myself just a little more.
When I hold my needs as more important to be filled than another's, I become more self-absorbed.
When I can live in the water that nourishes me, and feel the wetness without getting wet, I get what I need and enjoy the beauty in what another needs.
And then, what I feel is a love that doesn't get into boxes of "you" and "me", but walks on the edge of the two, as "us".


There is a sacredness that I have felt in the pain of unmet needs in my life....there is a beauty in that pain... when I chose to be with the pain rather than meet my needs immediately, when I chose to wait for life to happen and unfold, there was grace, which brought many other special gifts my that I did not expect or even think about...but gifts that made me see the beautiful choreography in this wondrous dance of holds something back from you, to give you something else that you complete your journey on this planet....Life is beautiful if we just trust it more than ourselves sometimes.


The first time you fall in love with yourself is when you take your first whiff of air on this planet. Loving oneself starts with living starts with everything that you do or not do, feel or not feel, think or not think.....It is also about not loving yourself. Even when you think you don't love yourself, you are. You cannot help but fall in love with yourself, because that is what you are here for. Whatever you do or not do is an offering to yourself. There are many paths to the shrine of love, including the path that you do not wish to take and don't take.

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