Wednesday, April 9, 2014

The Tipping Point

Can you find that magical point
beyond all notions of space and time?
when the sun moves on
and the jealous sky draws its blinds,
to welcome a new lover;
when the touch of an artist's brush
gives an empty canvas,
a swirl of fresh new life;
when the chalice of silence
shatters with joy over rolling hills,
with the morning raga of a whistling thrush;
when the brittle, brown leaf
from an old oak tree in Fall,
saves its last dance for the chivalrous wind;
when the roaring wave
crashes against the giving shore, only
to return to its oft-forgotten folds of stillness;
when the warm west wind blows
to call the wayfarers from distant lands,
to make a home away from home;
when the flippant mist reluctantly settles
as dewdrops on fluorescent, newborn leaves,
transient sun-catchers on a forest floor;
when a lustrous pearl is born
from the silent struggle of a cloistered clam,
the unwritten notes of a turbulent history;
when the breath carries the fresh morning air
to fill in and empty the recesses
of this unrelenting human form;
If you do find that magical point,
I think you will know
what it is to love and be loved.

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