Sunday, September 29, 2013


detachment is
the thin thread
that holds
and lets go
with love,
as the kite
grows wings
in the open sky....

detachment is
to see joy
and pain
as two sides
of a coin,
and be
in the space
between the two...

detachment is
to see the world
as myriad expressions
of the same energy
that flows
in you
and me
without making each
my own....

detachment is
the struggle
and the triumph
of what it is
to be the divine,
in human form...

Beneath the surface

beneath the surface
stretched taut
on a beating drum,
beneath the surface
of endless waves
in the blue ocean,
beneath the surface
of mountains and dales
on green and brown,
is a space that is void,
holding all and none,
that rests untouched -
a silent witness
watching it all,
with love.

Saturday, September 28, 2013


I strain my eyes
but cannot see
the trivia
lost in the deep;
I look out through
an old telescope,
hoping to see
what my eyes don't know;
the trivia now
look so enlarged,
that I lose sight of
the whole and its parts;
what I need
is a telescope turned in,
into my heart
to search within;
for the world is vast
and it's hard to find
what I'm looking for,
when all lies inside.

Love flows...

even as the frozen ice,
stops its standoff
with the glowing light;
even as water drips down
slow and sure,
to reach the oceans
waiting silently below;
a cold, locked heart
does thaw with time,
for it holds love
that waits
to flow to the divine....

Light and Dark

the rain is here
the world stirs
from its sleep,
  painted storks in flight,
my heart takes a leap!
the endless play
of light and dark starts,
I watch with awe, as
opposites light the spark!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Tinsel and Dark Velvet

wait until dark
and you will see
the moon shining
in all its glory,
the clouds aglow
in grey and silver,
wrapping their gift
in tinsel and ribbons
of dark velvet,
to uncover
a solitary pearl,
held with love
in the stillness of the night.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

I love my books!

I love the smell
of my books -
each one fragrant
with the love
that someone shared
with my soul....

I love the feel
of my books -
each one holds
the texture of emotions
that caress my insides
until they grow numb....

I love the look
of my books -
dog-eared memories
of sleepless nights,
hand-written love notes
that tingle flitting thoughts...

I love my books -
for each one
has grown with me
like a friend;
they sit on dusty shelves -
mute witnesses
to forgotten paths
and tender moments
triumphs and tribulations....

I love my books -
for each one
is a part of me
that I cherish and love;
tossing up thoughts
of by-gone days,
refreshing hope
with the turn of a page...

When I turn a page
in my book,
I turn a page
in my life.

Monday, September 23, 2013


Why do I feel empty
when my eyes
and my heart
are filled
with the world -
sprinkles of stardust,
topped with love?

Is it the only way
I can be human,
and feel wholly
what it is,
to yearn, to seek,
for the infinite
in the nothingness?


in the silent hollow
of the guitar, where
the frivolous air
flirts with
the taut string,
a note is born;
which strums my heart
to fill up
the eternal void,
that resounds with
overflowing joy!

Saturday, September 21, 2013

You don't need an armor...

You don't need
an armor -
to battle
the pricking rain,
the searing desert,
the swirling wind, or
the raging fire;
You need to
rip yourself open,
strip to the core
of your being,
and feel
the whole Universe
through you,
carrying you
with love.

Friday, September 20, 2013


city lights
begin their parade,
jarring the night
with their neon haze;
a glorious moon
stands unveiled,
a new bride blushes,
all eyes a-gaze!

Pressure Cooker

emotions abubble
come to a boil,
a heavy burden
presses down,
as I recoil;
can I hold on
to that last bubble?
just a little more?
I am scared,
I am angry,
to have to let go;
do I know
that release
will bring me
the peace?
if I can see
steam as water,
love is cooked
and released!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Still Waters

Still waters
run deep...
for a moment
with a thought
thrown in,
it gathers itself
as dainty ripples
move and reach out,
caressing the stillness
softly, with love.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Mirrors to the Self

how would it feel
to walk right through
a maze of mirrors
throwing you to you?
would you stop for a moment,
look around and freeze,
or would you find your way
flowing through like the breeze?
how would you know
which way to go?
when countless reflections
call and show you the door?
would you still your mind
and look deep within?
or would you feel around,
get bruised, stand grim?
when you know that the maze
is what you see with your eyes,
you will know and find your way,
that lies hidden inside.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

"That is Life!"

The phone lay ringing on the bed. I watched it ring, but continued to do what I was doing, because I like to do what I do every moment,  with shraddha. Because that gives me the much-sought-after peace. I don't get perturbed so much anymore by the phone ringing and its presence. I just let it ring until I am ready to pick it up and take the call. Life has slowed down considerably, and I am learning to enjoy the slow flow.

I gathered my thoughts and moved myself with awareness, to answer the call. It was not a call that I was expecting. It was sad news. It was my father, sharing the news that a dear family friend of ours had just lost his wife. Our friend was Mr. S. Muthiah (we call him Muthu uncle), the renowned journalist and historian in Chennai, and editor of Madras Musings. His wife, "Valli aunty", as we call her, had suddenly passed away this morning, after complaining of severe and unbearable stomach ache. She died before they admitted her in hospital.

My father sounded lost and wanted to go and be with him immediately. He asked me to go with him. Surprisingly, Raghav agreed to go. Earlier on, I would have hesitated to take him with me on such an occasion. Today, we look at everything afresh, with new eyes, so to speak. So we take everything as it comes and try our best to flow along with whatever course our life takes - the twists, the turns, the ups and downs, and the gentle, straight stretches too.

Death and understanding it is such a crucial part of living itself. So why do we and why should we relegate it to a corner, or brush it aside to be dealt with "later on"? Well, we don't. To us, death is a part and parcel of life, and just another thing to explore and understand in this wonderful journey called life. And so Raghav went along with us, with a couple of toy cars in tow - perhaps symbols of security and certainty in the chaos, perhaps tools for him to process what was going on in his own way. I don't know. There are some things I cannot know and understand. Like Life. Like Death. And yet, when such things happen, we hear these words said so often - "That is Life! " Why do we say that, I wonder?

In the car, I told Raghav how my sister and I grew up with their kids - how we were neighbours and hopped in and out of each others' houses, played at will, shared impromptu meals and were taken care of by adults in one of the houses. My sister was often teased by my family on her first taste of non-veg at their house (which she still denies :) ). I spoke about how they came home to watch TV every week, as a family, as they did not own one, while we had a black and white TV. I remembered how "Valli aunty" used to bring a dabba full of delicious hot "pattani sundal" with cut mango pieces in it, when they came home. We munched sundal, watched some TV together, played and then had dinner together usually. Someone even called her "sundal aunty / mami".

We reached their house and waited to see uncle. He was having lunch. The house was full of people talking in whispers, standing around with sullen faces. People moved in and out like robots, talking with each other with a nod of the head or a shake of the hand. My thoughts pranced along on a tangent....why is death not seen as a celebration of life itself? why does death bring with it a deep and hushed silence? Why do we use words like "passed away", or "left for the heavenly abode" or "is no more"? Why don't we call death by its name? Is it a deep- rooted fear that makes us push death away as far away from us as possible , rather than stop and look at it in its face and embrace it with equanimity? Is death a beginning of an end, the end, or just something that happens along the way?

My thoughts found their way back into the house and to the room we were sitting in. Raghav sat beside me, playing with his toy cars on the sofa, quietly watching everything around him. My eyes came to rest on a striking black and white portrait of their elder daughter (who I had grown up with) with two pigtails, that hung on the wall opposite me. She was beaming, with a naughty glint in her eyes. There was another one close by, of her sister and she, looking at and laughing with each other.

My eyes then moved down a little, to catch a glimpse of uncle shedding and wiping off a tear. He walked towards my dad, held his hands and hugged him tight; his eyes moist with the tender love that he had for his dear wife. I hugged him too and he sobbed a little. Silence was better. Words get in the way. They can be jarring when one is trying to soak in the essence of a feeling. We smiled. We cried. We looked in each others' eyes in silence. We spoke with our being. There was no need for words.

Back in the car, Raghav wanted to know how she had died suddenly, without being unwell. We had heard that her death could have been due to an aneurysm in the stomach. So we told him what we knew. He was not convinced. He wanted to go back home and find out more about how blood vessels burst suddenly. We will keep that in mind and explore that more deeply. But for now, as my insides turned and churned, gripped by the sadness of the moment, I heard the same old refrain echoing from some place deep within...."That is Life!", followed by an equally strong one that said: "That is Death!"

Which one does your heart want to listen to?


a slender bamboo
bends over with grace
to dance with the wind
that fills its space,
thin blades of gold
nod to each other,
rejoicing the alchemy
of the wind and the hollow;
from the long depths,
whole notes resound,
stirring the soul
into a state so profound;
a bamboo gives all
from the emptiness it holds,
a shell filled with silent love,
in this dance of old.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Mother and Child

I am not the one
who takes steps
or speaks thoughts,
I am not the one
who inspires
or feels love,
I am but a child
on my mother's hips
carried along
on an exciting trip,
to explore the world
and my unique gifts;
when I feel safe
on my mother's hips,
the world comes to me
at a finger's click.



a wound
stings the insides -
a nagging reminder
to look within;
left uncared for,
it festers,
the free spirit
dancing within;
raw, exposed,
not bandaged with fear,
but left open with love,
it heals in its time,
the faint scar -
now a reminder
that we
once looked

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Blithe spirit in caged waters

in inky blue,
a lithe brown form
cavorts, swirls,
slaps and slithers
through caged waters -
a blithe spirit moves on,
unstained, untethered,
leaving behind the waters
that long to meet the beckoning sky.


Saturday, September 14, 2013

Warp and Weft

intricate patterns of black and white
interwoven warp and weft
I am safe, wrapped with love.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Inside Out

into an infinite space -
my thoughts,
my whole being
come to rest
in the silent well;
from a space of love,
embracing all -
without, within;
is the eternal dance
of the self,
in the well,

Note: Try and read the poem backwards, phrase by phrase, and see if it still makes sense! :)

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

The Elusive Poem

On some days
you just don't come
so easily to me;
I lie in wait
longing, awake,
and unfulfilled;
a faint thought
lingers somewhere
losing its way
in the hustle
and emptiness
of the day;
a tiny spark
that kindles
a raging fire
of words,
into nothingness;
but I still wait for you
with hope and trust -
the elusive poem,
my elusive lover,
lurking in the stillness
of the dark night,
waiting for the moment
to consummate
our affair of words....

Monday, September 9, 2013

Looking for Ganesha

I dig
turning over
of my earth -
the walls that
give me form;
I loosen up
my insides,
make space
to breathe
free, and
looking for
my Ganesha
coming to life.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Don't build walls for me...

don't build walls for me -
my home is a temple
where people of all faiths
find their way,
when they stop looking for me
in one place, in one moment;
for how can an infinite space
ever-growing, ever-changing,
be contained in a meagre cup?
don't build walls for me
when you know
that no matter what,
I can burst forth with an embrace
that can engulf the Universe;
when you find your way to me,
dropping your garb, naked and free,
you will find the succour, the haven,
that waits within, in me.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Growing to Love

brown and withered,
looking out, not in,
lonely, uncared for,
a deep rot sets in;
watered and nourished,
finding love within,
growing roots to reach out,
love blossoms from within.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Miracles of Love

a lump of clay
breathes love,
coming alive
in countless forms,
touched by stardust
on The Potter's Wheel,
each a miracle of love.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

I am

I am the raging sea
lashing the unyielding shore,
I am the placid waters
in a sacred lake of yore,
I am the winding river
that finds its way into the sea,
I am the bubbling hot spring
spewing fire out into the green,
I am the murky waters
of a marsh that draws all in,
I am the salty tears
that fill the empty well within,
I am the gentle rain
that drenches the earth on edge,
I am the lone dewdrop
that rests on a leaf  with a pledge,
I am the cold, hard ice
on an unreachable peak,
I am the rolling mist
that wraps hills in love they seek,
I am the ethereal snow
that mates with the Edelweiss,
I am the pelting hailstones
trampling silence from up high,
I'm everything, I'm nothing,
that you can and cannot see,
I am whole, I am empty,
I am love, I am me.

Sunday, September 1, 2013


it was seventeen years ago
and I feel it come alive -
the tug in my heart, the pain in my soul,
as I lived my "bidai";
the lump in my throat rolls to and fro,
lost and stranded in the middle,
not knowing which way to go;
how do I swallow the pain and let go?
my whole being awash
with a searing, deep pain
of being cut to pieces,
which one do I give, which one do I take?
tears find their way
dropping slowly inside
to fill the emptiness
that I try to hide inside;
I remember how I sat
on your lap, hugging you tight;
was I scared to abandon the child
to become a woman that night?
or was I seeking a love
in a dream that grew with me,
blind to the love
that was already inside of me?
was I angry with myself
for not standing up to be
the real person that was hiding
under layers that others thought was me?
was I convicting myself guilty
of an unspeakable crime,
not realising that the Universe
was unfolding dreams - yours and mine?
then why is it so hard for a girl
to say her "bidai" even today?
why is it not a happy moment?
why is there so much pain?
it's not just a soap opera,
life's drama or a game,
what is it then about a "bidai"
that brings to life - the human pain?