Sunday, April 17, 2016

looking for love

when did we begin
looking for love?
for a cup
that can never
fill or be filled
with the love
of this world?

when did we begin
looking for love?
to breathe
through a cord
that would be severed
sometime anyway?

when did we begin
looking for love?
to drink from the breasts
of someone else
we can call our own
but never own?

when did we begin
looking for love?
to hold another's hand
with every unsure step
taken on the ground
of an unshakable trust?

when did we begin
looking for love?
to lean upon a couch
of welcoming shoulders,
to rest awhile
and smile or cry?

when did we begin
looking for love?
between sheets and pillows
and melting flesh
catching fire
with a tiny spark?

when did we begin
looking for love?
in all the reasons
we find to live and die for,
our work, our tribe,
our passions, our dreams?

when did we begin
looking for love?
in the silent grooves
of our aged form,
pickled, tasted
and digested by life?

when did we begin
looking for love?
at the threshold
between two worlds
that forever call us,
asking us to make them our own?

when did we begin
looking for love?
in this odyssey
of being extraordinarily
and utterly, ordinarily

and so perhaps,
we keep looking,
for love,
some love,
any love,
one love.....

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