Friday, May 30, 2014


Roots -
they give me wings to fly,
they give me room
to grow and to rise;
they drive my being,
on this endless path of seeking;
to dream impossible dreams
and to reach for the stars;
they give me life,
they hold me up in strife;
they let me dance with the wind,
as I flow free with life;
they infuse a silent love,
as they embrace all of the earth;
they help me find my way home,
and connect me to my worth.

Thursday, May 29, 2014


when I close my eyes,
there is no longing;
there is a simple "beingness".

when I close my eyes,
I open my heart
to myself;
a tiny leaf free falling
to rest unto itself,
on the warm, moist earth.

as I open my heart,
the gentle rain from my eyes
falls into the deep well of stillness,
the relentless waves of my breath
rise and fall as they give and take life;
the ripples on my tranquil heart
dance with abandon in the morning sun,
the quivering leaves in my throat
are caressed and stirred awake by the passing wind,
the lone baobab stands rooted in my gut -
a silent oasis in the empty desert sands,
the brewing storm of wild thoughts
explodes into the darkness of my mind.

as I open my heart,
I see, I feel,
I touch, I hear;
everything is inside me,
when I simply "be".

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

The Guiding Light

sometimes when I feel lost,
walking along blindfolded,
not knowing where I am
or where I should go;
I hear a voice whisper
from the well within -
the eternal compass
that rights itself;
the star that guided
the Magi towards the Light;
the winds that drive birds,
the fragrance that lures honeybees,
to make new homes in distant lands;
and I know what to do -
trust the guiding light
that's always burning,
always showing me
the way home;
if only I can close my eyes
and open my heart;
if only I can drown
in the silent well within,
and listen....

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Being Love

don't look for love
in rainbows or rain,
don't look for love
in places or people, in vain;
look for love within,
as you peel off layers of skin
grown over old wounds,
holding pain and light within;
break down those walls you've built,
brick by brick if you will,
for love needs no shelter,
love flows free, love is still;
look for love as you dig
deep into your own past,
use the earth that you till,
to build an altar for love -
a space where you can rest,
welcome others and yourself,
where you can celebrate free will
and always be your true self,
and when you're all done
digging and looking for love,
lay your naked self
on the soft, warm earth,
looking up at the stars
in the majestic night sky,
let the whispering winds
from the galaxies beyond
clothe your bare form,
let the eternal fire
from the primeval stars
keep you warm,
let the wild waters
from vagrant, icy comets
flow through your tiny veins,
and know that your human form
that crumbles to dust when you're gone,
is made up of the same cosmic dust
that gives form to the mighty stars,
the planets that square your moon,
and the black holes that swallow things up;
you are here to feel this in your every cell,
so rest gently and surely into existence,
open yourself to all of life and love,
and in that breaking open,
you will grow wings
to soar like a bird
into the infinite sky,
you will know love,
you will  BE love,
with nothing to fear or hide.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

How to eat a Mango

How to Eat a Mango

Today I really enjoyed eating a mango after a long time! The reason is that I ate it whole, and not skinned and cut up into neat cubes, served in a bowl with a spoon....yeah...when you eat a mango, you must eat it "wild" It definitely tastes divine that way!

Many many years ago, when I was a little kid, I remember sitting down and watching my grandmother eat a mango, every single day, when mangoes were in season. It was a ritual of sorts with her. She would eat it whole and wild and that evoked a certain joy and mystery even for the little witness - me! I was fascinated to see how she would devour it whole, with a deftness that came with practice and enjoying the moment fully. She reminded me of a little squirrel enjoying a fruit from the tree.

She would keep one mango for dessert after every meal of the day. She would wash it thoroughly and keep it in a plate next to her, to eat after her meal. When she was ready, she would hold it in her hand, bite off a tiny part of the skin to make a hole in the fleshy fruit. She would then suck on the fruit through that hole, every now and then squeezing and pressing down the sides with the same hand, to get the juice and the flesh to move up slowly near the hole she had made. I still remember the joy on her face, and the enjoyment, almost a self-forgetting, when she ate a mango like this! She would often close her eyes, to probably get into the experience more completely. She would be totally lost to everything else around her. And that was how she patiently finished the entire fruit...just through that little hole. It was an amazing experience for me to watch her ! And she never got her hands messy after all that. If by chance some of the juice trickled down her palms and hand, she would gently lick it all up in one stroke of her tongue!

When she got down to the very end of the fruit, she would tear the skin open with her mouth, and get the seed out. She would then lick on the seed and strip it of all its flesh, until it was smooth and bald. Every part of the skin would be stripped of the tiniest bit of flesh, She would then wash the seed, dry it in the sun for a few days, and then plant it diligently, every single time, in the hope that one of those would become a tree. And that did happen! Two of the many seeds, sprouted and grew into two mango trees (Alphonso), that we had to leave behind for someone else to enjoy, as we had to move house

Today, as I ate a mango like she used to, I remembered her fondly. I also remembered how we were made to sit and eat mangoes as little kids, in our petticoats and sometimes even without that, simply because they didn't want us to get all messy and spoil our clothes!

Eating mangoes is fun when it is wild!
Wild= free = joy unlimited!
Try it and see for yourself

Love in a Teacup

a cup of tea
sits with me,
taking me to places
where I so love to be -
sleepy clouds
sprawled out at sea,
a glorious sun rising
to smile at me,
gilded waters that form
earth's wedding ring,
birds starting their day
with songs, ready to sing,
thoughts steered home
to this moment in time,
where reverie and reality
quiet in the stillness of mind;
the cup of tea is full,
and yet empty inside,
when there's love in a teacup,
grace fills it up from inside.

Friday, May 23, 2014

The Tree of Love

when a seed is born,
it holds within it,
seeds of countless trees -
infinite possibilities
of life's deep longing
to fulfill itself;
watered with love
that shows no favour,
tended with a quiet faith
in love and life itself,
every seed grows
into a tree of love,
breaking free from shackles
of space and time,
into the infinite cosmos
that holds all with love.
A tree that never dies.
A tree that is always being born.
The tree of love
is where life began,
and love won.

To be like the Wind

To be like the wind
is to touch everything
even without touching,
to carry a fragrance
without becoming the fragrance,
to hold something
even without holding on to it,
to make things come alive,
only to chip away at them
over space and time.

To be like the wind
is to be
everything and nothing
in one breath of life;
to move,
and to rest,
into life
and love,
knowing this -
just being here,
in this one moment,
is enough.

A Love Letter

I love you.

And I say that so many times each day, but the words just don’t come out that way.
They form a silent poem inside that I cannot fit into those three little words.
Because what I feel is a feeling that cannot be confined within this small, superficial shell of words. Love is a language of the heart, which cannot be shared in any other way, but by loving, freely and fully.

So I will try and take you there – as close to the feeling that I feel when I feel love for you.
I will try and breathe that love into every word that I utter here, pour the unbridled passion that I feel every time I think of you, and make them come alive to dance within your heart.
Maybe then you will know how much I love you....maybe then you will go to those places that your love takes me to..... where the waters dance on a surreal moonlit night, to where the ever-flowing and expanding ripples wave goodbye to the water’s edge, to where the blazing sun tears through the sleepy morning sky, to where the edgy birds waltz and glide on the fragile brink of stillness, to where the carefree buffaloes soak into the warmth and coolness of doing nothing, to the hazy uncertainty of a bleeding sky at twilight, to the wonder and ecstasy of a transient rainbow that springs out of nowhere, to where the heavy water-laden clouds hang over an expectant earth, which has forgotten the waiting, to the desolate sands of a secluded beach where the waves crash in relentlessly, as if to say “you are not alone”, to the hidden joy of a deep, long-lasting love in a sweet-smelling jasmine, to where the puffy white clouds blow gossamer dreams into a sleepy blue sky, to where the blood-red moon rises like a sphinx from the inky darkness, which waits to swallow it whole, to where the free-spirited birds soar on wings of love and faith, in the solitude and comfort of knowing what it is to be oneself..... to where the dance goes on....
Let me take you on the wings of my words to where endless love is born over and over again. Let me take you to that little piece of wonderland, where there is no beginning nor end....

To that moment when I first saw you and knew in my every cell, in my bones, in my gut and in my heart, that I love you. Like no other.

To that moment when your eyes first met mine in the love-filled ether that flowed between us. I remember that moment still.

To those moments when you ran your fingers through my flowing hair as I left it to dry over the incense, slowly rising through the cane basket, where I rested my head. I wished time would stop still - then and there, as the hair on my skin stood up. They stand on end even now as I remember that moment again.

To those moments when we sat under a starry sky, sinking into the silent darkness that held us with love and stillness.

To those moments when you held my hand in yours and sang songs from your heart, as our bodies touched each other in a silent longing.

To that moment when I asked you to marry me, and you said yes without even thinking, as our souls knew that we needed each other in this lifetime, to rise and grow, in and with love.

When I say “I love you”, I dream of these moments and remember them fondly, wishing they would come alive again now.     

When I say “I love you”, my mind’s eye conjures up images of how beautiful you are. Your salt and pepper hair and overgrown moustache that holds youth and old-age with equanimity, your pot-belly and the warm hair on your chest where I can rest my face and forget whether I am asleep or awake, your cuddly body where all my worries melt away into nothingness, your strong arms that take me in just the way I am every single time, your smile that holds the innocence and wonder of a little kid, your brown eyes that remind me of sweet honey trickling down a bottle - full of love and goodness. Your warm touch arouses me, stirs me up and makes me come alive every single time. I forget then whether I am dying or being born again.

There is so much to love in you. You make me feel that special feeling of what it means to love a man – with a tenderness, passion, lust and devotion. You make me feel like a woman.

When I say “I love you,” I mean all of you, just as you are. I love your playfulness, how we can laugh at ourselves and at life. I love your courage, your strength and your spontaneity. I love your anger and insecurities. I love your honesty. I love your eternal optimism. I love your willingness to face your fears and grow. I love your openness to learn something new every day. I love your tenderness and gentleness, which burst from tightly held seams, in those moments when you get completely into yourself. I love your simple philosophy of Life – to be yourself at all times...for that is the best place to be, always.

To say “I love you,” means I trust you with my mind, body and soul. I respect you like you respect me. I admire you. I adore you. It means that I love this dance of loving each other. I love how it constantly calls me to go deeper into myself. I love how we lead and follow each other in the way our life has been choreographed.

I want to wake up beside you every morning and be next to you when I close my eyes every night. It means that I miss you when you are not around, and that I am so happy that you are back at home.
It means that in this magical universe of infinite possibilities, and on a planet of several billion human beings, I want you.

For you are my universe, my world, my life, my love, my all. You are my love. You are love.
You gave me reason to live and to love.
I love you.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Where Your Love Takes Me...

Where your love takes me....

Photos and poetry by yours truly :)

Music: Andre Rieu - "And The Waltz Goes On..." ~ composed by Sir Anthony Hopkins

Being in the Business of Life

We are born
to live,
and we live
to die,
to be born again...
What we do in between
is our own business -
And yours.
How we go about it
is up to each of us.
If on this journey
and this business of Life,
we do meet in passing,
let us shake hands,
give each other a hug,
and greet each other
with a knowing smile -
that all is well
and exactly how it should be;
Let us mind our own business
and walk along
or walk away,
holding love in our hearts.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Walking with My Shadow

as I walk with my shadow,
pouring my heart
into everything
I see, hear, touch and feel,
I water little seeds of love
hidden in the earth,
growing into flowers
that I leave behind
for someone else
to pick up and hold;
as I walk with my shadow,
there's no turning back,
for my shadow lights up
the path for another,
as we all learn to walk
with our own shadow.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Owning My Power

My breath holds
the primordial fire
of a million stars,
the waters and winds
that flow from every nook -
both near and far,
the restless earth
that sustains
all of creation,
sprinkled with
magical stardust
for every occasion;
when I breathe in,
I am nourished
by the infinite cosmos;
when I breathe out
I sustain the power
of endless love;
Breathe in.
Breathe out.
Flow in.
Flow out.
To wherever life takes me
on the wings of love.

Sunday, May 18, 2014


sits inside each of us,
like a rose amidst thorns,
to unfold herself
to the warm sun
on a cold wintry morn.

To be a rose
is to sit with the thorns,
even as they prick, and
let the blood flow out;
it is to be alive
to all the pain and joy.

To be a rose
amidst the thorns,
is to stay
in the seeing,
being and knowing
that "I am enough".

When vulnerability
is the midwife -
love becomes the womb
and the passage,
for a new connection
to be born.

When you sit
with your vulnerability,
all naked and raw,
and with a broken fullness,
you begin to love yourself
and find love in this world.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Notes to Myself - 2

When you find something to love in everyone and everything that comes into your life, you are finding something to love in yourself, and so are always being filled up or full.


I find it funny and strange when people say "don't fight like kids" to two adults who are do fight, and sometimes intensely, but they often move on to doing something that they love together, unless we as adults interfere in that process and put thoughts into their never seem to hold on to the past or the future...they never seem to hold anything but love and joy in their hearts...


Between our aspirations to be like sages and our failings that make us even demons, is a place where we can just BE...our beautiful selves...
We cannot make the world a better place....we can only be....we can only live fully and let live....because the world IS already a beautiful place as it IS!


There are only two things on my mind now....almost like a mantra for me..."To thine own self be true and it shall follow, as the night the day"...and this - "Close your eyes and open your heart"....
In the midst of a lot of turmoil, these words give me the strength to follow my heart as I have always done....I trust myself, I trust my heart, and I trust everything that comes along in my life as a consequence of that...there is no other way for other way that I know of...and it does not matter whether I fail or succeed, whether I am judged one way or the other, but it matters to me that I tried, that I was/am myself....that is enough.....more than enough...I am enough.


Sometimes what we do or say can go unseen or stay unheard.
Sometimes our staying away from someone or something, or our silence can be misinterpreted - that we don't care enough or that we are being selfish.
Sometimes we will be judged for being who we are, and for being who we are not.
We will be judged anyway. Because that is the nature of the mind.
We all judge ourselves and others.
But what do we do with that judgement?
What do we do after the mind has played out?
Do we then make room for the heart to play out?
Do we listen to that quiet, inner voice that is telling us something even through its silence, or do we shush it away?
When we are at peace with our own selves, we step away from being in the witness box or in the judge's seat.
We all make an impact. We all make a difference, even if we don't know how.

In nature, everything affects everything else.....perhaps that is why, each creature is at peace with itself....they probably work and live with a deep knowing that when they are at peace with themselves, they contribute to the peace and well-being of a whole ecosystem.


When the whole ground seems to be falling from beneath you, all you can do is to hold on to your little heart and let go of everything else?
 I can see violence in me, and perhaps am not expressing it now because that button/trigger fails to operate in me....maybe because something else has taken over...I do see violence as an expression of love that we have not yet understood...and when I see violence I am trying and wanting to look beyond into love..
I am feeling more and more now that if I show or express my love to someone, and that is not reciprocated, perhaps that love is flowing through that person in another direction or to touch someone else. Love is an energy and life force that cannot be created or destroyed. It can only transform and be transformed.
I am beginning to see how anger is actually an expression of love......just that we see it so differently that we cannot see beyond what it manifests as.
  To hold the space in your mind and heart, between two people you like, who don't see eye to eye, is much like sitting on the fence.....but the view that you get from there is something that they cannot see, only you can...until the fence breaks perhaps, some day, some time, or perhaps never.....who knows, and who cares? It is best to enjoy the view as it lasts and soak in the beauty of both worlds, however painful or joyous it might be....NOW....that is all that matters.
 When you stay with and witness the pain of a struggle, you cannot help but see the beauty that is unfolding quietly and surely.....because there is simply no other way....everything is beautiful, whether we choose to see it that way or not.....that is the reality that we run away from, the truth that we want to hide, the face that we do not want to see and reveal.
Animals mark their territories with their scent and body fluids.
We humans mark our territories with our stories, our beliefs.
To connect with one another, both animals and humans have to tread into each others' territories, however strong the markings, stories and beliefs may be. There is simply no other way.

Friday, May 16, 2014


a small bunch
of puffy white
jasmine buds,
nod their heads
to the passing wind;
their intrepid dance
lifts me in a flash,
out of myself,
and into
their secure folds -
in bite-size moments
of sweet self-forgetting,
lies a fragrant joy
of self-remembering.

On Giving

Give like the old banyan,
which even in giving
of its whole self,
gives birth to roots
that hold sway, to give,
long after it has gone.

Give like the towering palm
which stands not in its own shadow,
breathing life into
its roots, leaves, fruits and wood,
only to give all of itself
to someone else in need.

Give like the young neem
which even in owning
its tart bitterness,
soothes and cleanses
weary, ailing wayfarers
of their unspoken misgivings.

Give of yourself
with love and joy -
the quiet, fragrant being-ness
that fulfills itself.
Give of yourself
with a deep knowing
that you are needed
only as yourself.
Give of yourself
so you keep
the wheel of life and love
moving and turning.
Give of yourself
freely and fully,
for in that sacred giving,
you learn how to live.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

I Want to Break Free

I want to break free...
to where rolling clouds
do a tap dance
along the edge,
where a restless sky
meets the sleepy sea...

I want to break free...
to where the trees
do the zumba,
as the first winds of morn
brush against
their nimble forms...

I want to break free...
to where the jasmine
quivers and twirls
to waltz with the wind,
holding her tight and close
as he whisks her along.

I want to break free...
to where the starlings gather
in a graceful ballet,
as they glide and stretch
their pointed wings
into the orange sky.

I want to break free...
to where a lonely river
wanders and explodes
into a wild dance,
as she falls into the arms
of a ravishing sea.

I want to break free...
of all the shackles
that bear me down
to this helpless human form.
I want to break free...
to where I can be ME!

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

ख़्वाब और हकीकत

ऑखो की नमी से
ख्वाब छूट जाते है
खामोश आसमान से
चुपचाप मिल जाते है
दूर बादल गून्ज उठते है
थमी-सी समुन्दर झूम उठती है
टूटे दिल के रोम-रोम मे
मस्ती भर जाती है
प्यार भरे दो दिल
जब मिलने लगते है,
ख़्वाब और हकीकत
फिर से जीने लगते है

Are You Scared to Walk the Path of Love?

when you follow your heart
there is no room for fear,
for love follows you
like a shadow
wherever you go -
to lonely mountain tops,
breathtaking gorges,
whispering brooks in a forest,
and empty dunes in a desert;
don't run away,
don't look for cover,
why are you scared
of your deepest desire?
Yes, she'll push you and gouge you
till you're out of your senses,
she'll scathe you, and singe you,
till you wake up to your senses,
but you will know when she's done,
when you wake up each day,
and give thanks to a life
filled with love and not fear.
so wake up, hold your head high,
and let her show you the way,
for she will take you to places
where light and darkness play,
why are you scared
to walk the path of love?
when you see a shadow walk with you,
be sure there is light, and love.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Waiting for Love

a gentle stirring
takes root -
deep in my gut,
sucked into a vortex,
my insides churn
and sink
into nowhere;
a little heart
is tossed up
into a bubbling
cauldron of sorts,
a magic spell
rises out to numb
my wobbly knees,
tipsy fingers and toes,
the waters break,
waves of pain and joy
rise and fall,
waiting for love
to be birthed.

Between You and Me

Between you and me,
Silence -
she speaks 
a thousand words.

Between you and me,
thoughts flow like poetry -
stories of ancient forests,
songs of a writhing heart,
whispers of tiffany dreams,
smiles of innocent hearts.

Between you and me,
darkness grows wings
to traverse the many miles,
between two vagrant souls 
wrapped in warm tenderness,
with nothing left to hide.

Between you and me,
Silence -
she rests for a while,
before she comes alive.

Monday, May 12, 2014

The Rise of the Sphinx

You can cut off my roots,
and throw me away,
to rot in a decrepit pile,
but you forget that a little bird
took the seeds that I bore
for safe-keeping,
who wait for the summer sun
to begin their new seeking.

You can forget to water me,
so my hard shell cracks up,
and crumbles to a dust,
but you forget that my blood -
the perennial fountain of life,
has leached out into the earth,
to feed and nourish others
who've taken root in the hearth.

You can stifle and strangle me,
or burn my insides,
with nothing left to fuel my spirit,
but you forget that my breath
has left this transient form,
only to merge with the air
that you too breathe,
to kindle another spirit somewhere.

You cannot destroy me
with your humanness;
for I will rise like the Sphinx
out of my cells, out of my spirit,
to strive, to adore,
to emerge, to merge,
moved by love,
to always rise, and move on.

Sunday, May 11, 2014


love another
like the sun
in its morning hues
and evening blues,
stirring life
into a joyous dance
no beginning
or end;
where coming
and going
are celebrated
and mourned,
knowing that
another sun
will rise again

Saturday, May 10, 2014


The sky -
she has cried all night,
white ribbon clouds
stretched out,
purged of their fullness
and emptiness,
over an ocean
who looks bluer -
did he hold a cup all night
to drink up all her tears?

Downy mist -
she holds her veil,
closing in
on prying eyes,
adoring secrets,
holding tears,
revealing herself
to tender wayfarers,
only in the silence
of a steamy night.

Dew - she rests
on a blade of grass,
a cold window pane,
and sleepy leaves,
radiant, self-assured,
she touches souls
who've made friends
with pain and joy,
living on the edge,
with uncertainty.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Hope. Faith. Love.

I had this little jasmine plant that I got from a nursery. I love the smell of jasmine flowers. It's fragrance is just perfect for my heightened sensitivities to smell. Just mild enough.

I cared for this plant, watered it with love and tenderness, gave thanks to it when it grew faster than I expected it to and flowered with just one or two full, fragrant flowers - not too many.

Some months ago, I fixed a drip irrigation system to water all my plants, while we were away on a long trip. I had hope that that would take care of my dear plants' needs. It did partly. Some survived. Some died. This jasmine plant almost died. It was completely dried up, all its leaves had turned yellow and brown and were hanging limp, yet brittle. I was heartbroken.

I tended to the plants and talked to them in silence, mourning quietly for the ones that did not survive. While I was clearing out my little balcony garden, I saw a slight tinge of green on one stem of this jasmine plant. That gave me hope. But I did not want to rest in hope and spin dreams. I decided to let it be after cutting off some branches and pulling out all the yellow leaves. I left the roots intact. I decided to water it and care for it just like my other plants. I also went to a nursery and got another jasmine plant. But it was not because I had given up hope on this one. I perhaps felt it could do with some company :) And so I let them be. I stopped dreaming of flowers and lingering fragrances. I just watched them and cared for them without asking for anything in return.

A week or ten days later, I saw the first two fluorescent green leaves on the old jasmine plant. It had survived! And then, then there was no stopping it. It seemed to grow faster than the other one that I had just got.

This morning, I was greeted by a small bunch of jasmine buds on the plant that had resolved to live. My heart felt full and complete. I did not dream that this would happen. Yet, I am also glad I did not lose hope and faith. I tended it with love and today the tiny flowers radiate a quiet, fragrant love that I feel so blessed to receive.

Hope. Faith. Love.
They can work magic. Just like the silent, unseen power of the Universe.

My Shell

I love my little world
my shell -
my go-to place
when I want some quiet,
to reflect, renew,
and realign
with the magical flow
of the divine.
It is not a place
where I want to hide,
from the glare and din
of a sultry day outside,
but a space to feel
and love myself,
for who I am,
and who I want to be.

On a Boat to Nowhere...

On a boat
to nowhere....
slithering into
smelted silver
and inky waters,
a black and white
polka-dotted sky
looks down at me
with a million eyes;
long shadows grow,
merge and then disappear,
like strutting models
on an endless ramp,
the radiant moon
swallows my melancholy
in one large swoop
of her ever-open heart,
waves lap relentlessly
against my naked form,
caressing me softly, gently,
into a flowing trance;
I can hear the clouds gather
over the warm, distant seas,
I can hear the still wind blow
through the dancing river weeds,
I can hear my breath flow in
and out to the all-embracing sky,
I can hear my little heart quieten,
to the song of silence, without a try;
I am on a boat
to nowhere in particular,
no oars, no companion,
no thoughts to get me over;
no dreams, no hopes to hold on to,
no fears, no letting go,
just to be, to flow, to wander,
as I travel alone in this dark river.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Being Peace

I see a tranquil pond.
I soak my roots
in its wetness,
and stillness.
I am not the pond,
and yet I am.

A shriveled pod
plunges into the stillness,
seeking a closure
in new waters,
that it did not find
in the tree
from where it fell?

Old, ripe leaves
bob around happily,
creating new patterns,
of water and earth,
by the new arrival.

The serene waters give -
give in to the pod
that fell into their quiet folds,
give in to the dainty ripples
that make them come alive
in a new way,
give in to the old leaves
that create their own work of art.

It is the nature of the shriveled pod to fall.
It is the nature of the old, ripe leaves to float.
It is the nature of the waters to give, and give in.
Peace comes from being true to your very nature.
Peace then becomes a sedative to the senses.
Peace. Awareness. Connection.
Being Peace.
That is who I am.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

The Spinning Top

the spinning top
has to stop.
the colours,
the patterns,
blur, and
become one;
for a moment,
caught in the web
of space and time,
until it comes to rest
in itself;
the spinning top
has to stop
and face its truth,
some day, some time.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

The Power Within

to feel as small as a grain of sand
that still carries
the stillness and tenacity
from lonely mountain tops;
to feel as gentle as a faint ripple
that ruffles the top
of a lake of lapis lazuli,
fed by waters from mighty rivers;
to feel as light as the flowing breeze
that brings and takes with it,
the lingering fragrance
of  tart sea salt and sweet jasmine;
to feel as vibrant as a spark in the dark
that holds within it
the ancient, impassioned fires
of a thousand suns;
to feel the vortex of power
flowing in every creation,
large or small,
is to flow with and surrender
to the magnificent seed
of survival and connection -
the silent power
of the universe within.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

A String of Flowers

A string of flowers
brings a smile,
I want to wear them,
I want to smell them,
I want to gift them
to someone I love;
and then I see
the fragile string -
that hold the flowers
with love.