Friday, May 23, 2014

The Tree of Love

when a seed is born,
it holds within it,
seeds of countless trees -
infinite possibilities
of life's deep longing
to fulfill itself;
watered with love
that shows no favour,
tended with a quiet faith
in love and life itself,
every seed grows
into a tree of love,
breaking free from shackles
of space and time,
into the infinite cosmos
that holds all with love.
A tree that never dies.
A tree that is always being born.
The tree of love
is where life began,
and love won.


  1. I can't decide which moves me more- the intricate artwork or the accompanying poem...Why aren't you out there making a boatload of money with all your talents, Priya...Well, I know the answer to're fulfilled enough by the joy of all your creations...

  2. Yes, you are right Sulabha :)
    I am happy exactly where I am and how I am....there is no better place to be!

    And thanks for your generous words...they brighten up my day just a little more :)


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