Thursday, October 20, 2016

love letters without a name

let's offer our questions
to each other,
held in the hollows
of our palms,
like petals falling
into the lap of water,
touched by essence,
not walls;
let's hold our questions
in this moment,
in the breath that we share,
watching them
like the widening ripples
on the river flowing
between us;
let's place our questions
like tiny lamps on leaves,
and let them go, one by one,
in the silent spell
cast by our emptiness,
promising to live them
in the altar of our hearts,
let's look at them
together there,
following the threads
of this mysterious web,
where you and I
are moved and held
by Life,
who only knows
how to love everything;
yes, even these love letters
without an address or name.

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