Monday, October 10, 2016

of black and light

and you think a seed rests
without a pinhole of light,
wrapped in endless swirls of darkness?
stop. see how your irises
slide into those cozy grooves,
where black meets only black.
where you are fed
so you can hunger some more.
for black.

but is it all black, where you look?
look deeper and you'll find grays -
light dissolved into the molten black,
where worms wiggle and thrive,
where roots sink deeper into what is,
where water finds its way to leaves
and birds and clouds,
where the steaming earth
bears the excesses
of a sprightly sun who never sleeps,
where seeds still breathe and dream
a little dream.

don't look only for black.
don't look only for light.
look for what is -
shades of gray,
a perfect blend
of black and light.

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